I love it when Jesus uses parables to convey his intention or direction for our lives. This one is really something. After talking about how to handle it when someone sins against us in our last text , Peter rightfully asks the question, “How many times should we forgive?”
What was Jesus response? 70×7. 490 times! I’m not sure who would even keep track. That was just a crazy amount to show us we need to forgive. Period. We shouldn’t try to quantify it or keep score. Then Jesus told the story.
Have you ever been like the servant? Perhaps you have pleaded for a second chance or another opportunity. We have all experienced times when we wish we had done something different. “If only’s” can sometimes cripple us from moving forward.
If we are granted that fresh start or “do over,” how do we feel? Grateful. Overjoyed. Maybe even surprised. Jesus warns us with this story that perhaps that won’t always be the case. Our good fortune may turn to greed. Our thankful hearts soon forget the joy of release, and evil floods in to take control.
We need to have the same forgiveness in our hearts for others who may be looking for redemption. We know our Heavenly Father has forgiven us. Jesus paid the price for us. We are living our second chance every moment. We must be ready to love and forgive others just the same.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to make God upset with me. I don’t want him to see me being unfair and unforgiving to others, especially those who have personally attacked or wronged me. God will take care of the punishment. I need to take care of the forgiving.
Yes, it can be hard. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you accept the evil done to you. It doesn’t even mean you can forget the act that caused the pain. But it is a peace of mind knowing that the act doesn’t have any power over you. The perpetrator may even have forgotten the deed. Forgiveness is a cleansing of our spirit to let go of the pain. When we give the other person a second chance, we receive the blessing of freedom.
We need to have mercy on others just as God has mercy on us.

Let’s pray. Thank you, God, for forgiving me. I know I am a sinner. You have washed me clean. Help me forgive myself now, as well. Others have wronged me, and I look to you for the strength and ability to forgive them. May I be able to show them the grace I have been blessed with. Cleanse my heart so I can be a better follower and example of being a giver of mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.