It was passages like this that kept me stuck in an abusive marriage for nearly 15 years. I didn’t want to displease God and break a vow made before him. I was so broken and unsure of myself. I believed it was my own fault for being in this situation. I had to live with my poor choice. I endured the pain, embarrassment, fear, and feelings of unworthiness for many years.
It’s true. God did not intend for us to divorce. We have abused many of the things in God’s perfect plan which he did intend. However, we, his creation, have minds of our own and distorted much of the beauty created for us to enjoy. It all started with the forbidden fruit.
So how do we reconcile this? For me, I am still processing it and asking forgiveness. I do believe God has a plan for me. As the broken wife afraid of her own shadow, afraid to open her mouth lest she say something stupid, I was not a very good disciple.
My prayer was for an escape from that oppression. God did give me the courage to escape, and as I look back I feel like he has been directing my path ever since. It is my desire to serve God in all I do and grow closer to Jesus every day.
I love how we have another passage about children right after the divorce discussion. For me, it really seals the deal. God has given me a love of children. It is my passion to nurture them and teach them about Jesus. I want to be the good disciple Jesus deserves me to be.
When I was a children’s Ministry director for a couple of years, I was in my sweet spot. I did witness how adults tend to regard children as having little importance. To me the wisdom of a child surpasses understanding. They have such a fresh look on things and learning new things is their “job.” We need to all be a little more child-like in our approach to life.
When we can see the world as a child, that is everything is new and fresh, we have more joy. When we can leave the stress behind and seek Jesus’ face, we have peace. I have heard that children recognize God’s presence in the world more than adults because they remember him better. They were in his presence more recently and can recognize him. True or not, it makes sense. I want to seek God more earnestly.
Take some time today to sit quietly in God’s presence. Close your eyes and imagine him beside you. This will be a powerful moment. Ask God to reveal himself to you. Ask him the questions on your heart. Then listen.

Let’s pray. Lord, I cry out to you today with thanksgiving for how you rescued me all those years ago. I am overflowing with the gratitude for how you are working through me. I look forward to the abundance you have in store for me. I am ready to receive it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.