Jesus knew that we would be mean to one another. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes by accident. From reading this passage, I assume Jesus does not want us to be at odds with each other. He has given us a system to use to make amends with our friends, family, and whoever has done us wrong. Have you ever used this system?
Certainly, Jesus doesn’t want us to be accusatory and heated in our encounters. He wants us to handle this in private. Granted, we don’t necessarily know what’s going on behind closed doors when the confrontation takes place. But we do know that Jesus wants us to confront the one who has sinned against us and let them know we are hurt. I may be reading between the lines, but I think this encounter is meant to be our first attempt at reconciliation.
Then what? If the one who hurt us ignores what we have to say, then we come back with reinforcements. This is really good counsel. You know that there is safety in numbers. In this case, the friends are to act as witnesses to your attempt to reconcile. There will now be a little more pressure on the wrong-doer to apologize so you can get back on track.
How many times have you used this process? If I have, I’m not recalling any specific instances. Does that mean that I have never been hurt by someone? Absolutely not. I tend to get my feelings hurt pretty easily. I have always been a people pleaser and if I feel like I have let someone down I’m a hot mess. I usually take the blame on myself even if I was not at all in the wrong. For me, it’s just easier that way then to have to confront my opponent.
That’s not what God intends for me or you. I really need to wrestle with this passage and internalize it for use in the future. What do you think about step 3–bringing it to the church? Have you ever seen that happen before? I’m not sure I would even know what to do. Would I ask for a meeting with the pastor?
Jesus’ promise at the conclusion of this passage has been very meaningful to me over the years. Jesus said, “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” When meeting as a small Bible study group, we would know that Jesus was among us. When we gather for church, our small fellowship can be assured that Jesus is in our midst. We don’t have to have thousands of people in attendance for the presence of the Lord to be there.
What are you thinking as you read through today’s passage? People are going to sin against you. There will be trivial offenses and ones that cause more harm. The ones that are intentional are the ones to be dealt with. Forgiveness is a personal thing, and we may find ourselves forgiving someone every day for something. Better to forgive and forget then let the bitter taste of a grudge or hurt fester. Deal with it. Jesus has showed us a healthy way.

Let’s pray. Lord, I know I have hurt people. People have hurt me. Thank you for a way of dealing with that. Thank you, too, for your presence. Help me to be mindful of people’s feelings. Continue to fill me with your compassion. May I be more forgiving and more like you every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.