Matthew 11:20-24 – Harsh Judgment

Read Matthew 11:20-24

We may read Jesus’ rant here and be a bit surprised. But, we shouldn’t be surprised at Jesus’ words but by the unrepentant sinners of whom he is speaking. We might ask, how do you experience healing, even just as a witness, and not be changed? Or, how do you go back to business as usual after seeing a miracle from God? God is awesome, we should stand amazed!

Do we take our own faith for granted? Do we need constant reminders to keep us focused on God? How long will God be patient with us? It may be hard to picture Jesus with anger in his voice, but he was human. He was surprised at the lack of faith that followed his work. He came to draw people to himself. You would think the people who had seen his great miracles would be especially drawn in and want to know him more.

If those people were oblivious after seeing, how can we do a better job having not seen? We have the Bible to show us way more than the people with first-hand experience had. How can we improve on our gratefulness for all Jesus has done for us? How can we be better at showing mercy to others? Do we want to miss out on all God intends for us?

This passage really conjured up some questions we need to wrestle with. Would it help if our lives were threatened in some way? Jesus points to judgment day. We will be there on that day, too. What will our eternity hold? Will we have pleased God by our allegiance? Will we be judged harshly because we turned away from God? Having simply gone through the motions will certainly not benefit us on that day.

Jesus is calling the people, and us, to realize how fortunate we are. While we have struggles and trials, we have a Savior. We have an exit plan that leads to a beautiful eternity. But we need to realize our need for the Savior that takes us there. We can’t get there without him. Jesus preaches a message of conversion and repentance for the forgiveness of sin. Our discipleship must run deeper than surface level. Thankfully, God knows our heart.

Let’s pray. Lord, help me to not take you for granted. You have given me such a rich heritage of faith to rely on. May my faith continue to grow, and may my relationship with you deepen with each day. Forgive me for my sinfulness and for all my shortcomings. I am striving to be better each and every day. I am in awe of you and your great love for me. May that awe and wonder stoke the flame of my servanthood. Lead me to those you want me to touch today, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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