When we have a childlike faith, we can see more clearly. We don’t let the lies of the world get in our way. Interesting that Jesus would call it out right here in his prayer. If it pleased God then, it surely pleases him still today. When we can approach God as a child full of wonder with unlimited trust, we will see and understand more completely.
Think for a second about who you know best, besides yourself. Maybe it’s a parent, a child, or a spouse. You know the deep relationship you have with them. You know what they are thinking and feeling because there is a strong connection. Who better to know God than Jesus and visa versa. Jesus goes a bit further and tells us he will reveal God to those he chooses. Some of us are going to have the honor of having God revealed to us. What does that mean?
I don’t know about you, but I pray regularly that God will reveal himself to me. I want to be certain I am living my life fulfilling God’s will. I’d hate to get to the end of my life and realize I hadn’t done what he wanted. As it is, I’m quite sure I have a long way to go to be the woman God made me to be. I have so much more potential.
We can get caught up in trying this and trying that, all new things promising some great result. We can exhaust ourselves and our bank accounts trying to be wiser than the day before. What does Jesus tell us to do? “Come to me.” That sound simple. Since we can’t physically come to him yet, we need to come to him in our surrender of control. We need to be childlike in our unfailing trust and seek Jesus.
Jesus knows we are weary. He wants us to embrace us in our weariness and let us rest in him. He wants us to trust him. When we truly surrender to him, he will give us rest and teach us. Our weary souls will, at last, be satisfied and renewed. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Perhaps you have been searching or struggling for some time and are left feeling exhausted and spent. Re-read verses 28-30 and then close your eyes. Jesus has your back.
It’s time to let Jesus take the wheel. He knows what he’s doing. Bring your burdens and struggles to Jesus. You don’t need to let them continue to weigh you down. Imagine your baggage is gone. Rest in that peace.
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you that you have offered me rest. I do tend to push myself to the limit. Thank you for this reminder to come to you. Help me to surrender all my cares, struggles, fears, limiting beliefs. I want to be yoked to you. May my mind be open to your teaching me. I long for you and your peace. Thank you for the rest you give. In Jesus’ name. Amen.