Jesus finished his instructions. Then what did he do? He went out, too. What a great teacher. Not only did he teach, but he also implemented. Talk about leading by example! It’s more than just using our words. It’s our actions, too. You’ve heard “actions speak louder than words,” right?
Beyond that, we can see Jesus as a great communicator. When John the Baptist’s followers asked him if he was the Messiah, Jesus could have just answered their question with a simple, “Yes.” But he gave them something to think about, to identify with, to remember happening. And then he tells them they’ll be blessed if they are not offended by him.
Jesus was revolutionary and edgy, unafraid of criticism. What charisma and posture he had. After all, he was God. But, he was also human so he knew exactly how to act to relate and be a bit edgy. Sometimes I think we in churches should be a little edgier. Unfortunately, that has bitten me in the butt a couple of times. Some people aren’t ready for outside the box thinking or actions.
John the Baptist is another example of a “live on the wild side” kind of guy. Literally. Living in the wilderness, eating bugs and wild honey. But we also learn a lot more here. He was a prophet, used by God to announce the Savior of the world. That’s a big deal. He had to be a little radical to be able to pull off bringing that kind of news.
Malachi 4:5 promised that the prophet Elijah would return before the Day of the Lord. Now, in our text, Jesus says (v. 14) “if you are willing to accept what I say, [John the Baptist] is Elijah, the one the prophets said would come.” John had the same kind of spirit as Elijah, also a prophet. Malachi 3:1 says, “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. The messenger of the covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, is surely coming,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Both were outcasts, but both spoke the truth which offended the rulers of their time. John was in prison now.
Here we had a great prophet walking among the people, yet they were too blind to see. Jesus called the people out on that. They were too busy complaining one way or the other. I think that happens in churches, too. We have people complaining about this or about that, and they miss the whole point.
It’s like the example I heard of a person complaining to their pastor about this certain congregation member being a sinner. The pastor tells them to walk around the church next time carrying a full glass of water and try not to spill. Upon completing that task, when asked what they saw, they said nothing besides the water. They were focusing on the water like they should be focusing on Jesus. When your eyes are on Jesus, you won’t need to find fault in others.
God’s plan played out so perfectly. John the Baptist completed his mission and announced and introduced Jesus to the people. Unfortunately, John is now in prison. The plan continues with Jesus’ ministry and the passing of the torch. Jesus is still with his followers, but he is priming them or grooming them for what is to come. Seamless plan.
Now we are the ones carrying out the plan. We are the ones Jesus is sending out. We have been equipped. How are you doing on carrying out this plan?

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I fall short and am not completely focused on You. There are times that the noise of the world crowds you out. I know you are always there. I acknowledge you are the guiding force in my life. I know I am nothing without you. Use me to help those who are in need. You have equipped me. It is time to continue the mission. In Jesus’ name. Amen.