Read Mark 8:14-21
You recall in our last reading–Jesus had walked away rather than be bullied by the Pharisees. Our scene continues in this reading as Jesus and the disciples make their getaway in a boat without any food.
Did the disciples miss the lesson Jesus was trying to teach them about the Pharisees and even King Herod? We might have a harder time understanding the reference to yeast. It gives us something to ponder, wondering what Jesus meant. This text doesn’t speak to “what” the yeast was that the disciples should be aware of. What do you think it is?
Perhaps the danger or evil is misunderstanding. Jesus didn’t want his disciples to be led away by religious leaders who misunderstood his purpose. Jesus knew that the time would come when the religious leaders and Herod would be involved in the greatest sacrifice of all time.
Devout Jews would have a hard time looking past what the religious leaders were saying about Jesus. The Pharisees did not see Jesus for who he was. They misunderstood Jesus’ purpose as their judgment was clouded by their own jealousy.
Not only had the Pharisees misunderstood, but Jesus’ own disciples were a little slow as well. They got so worked up about not having food on the boat. Had they so quickly forgotten what Jesus did to feed two huge crowds only a short time ago? Jesus must have been so perplexed with their lack of vision and forgetfulness.
What did Jesus ask of his disciples? ‘Don’t you understand yet?” What was it going to take for Jesus’ disciples? What is it going to take for us to stop doubting about God’s provision for our lives and understand how much God does for us. Remember what Jesus taught us about prayer in Luke 11? “For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” That’s what we need to understand. God wants to provide for us. We need to let him in so he can.
We can take some solace in the fact it was hard for the disciples to understand. They were with Jesus in person and yet they couldn’t grasp the fullness of Jesus’ presence. We can ask the Holy Spirit for help to see. Jesus goes on in Luke 11, “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.”
We don’t have to try and figure it all out ourselves. We can stop beating ourselves up for our own misunderstandings along our journey of faith. Jesus loves us just as we are. He gives us access to understanding through the Holy Spirit. The disciples didn’t have access yet because Jesus was still with them and had not yet sent the Holy Spirit.
Tap into the Holy Spirit’s wisdom today. What is it that you want to clarify about your faith? What potential misunderstanding exists that is holding you back? Ask. Listen. Wait.

Let’s pray. Lord, you make it so easy for us to talk with you and ask you for provision. I never want to take you or your mercy for granted. Help me in the areas where my understanding is weak. Clear away any doubts that creep in to cloud my devotion to you. I look forward to receiving what you have for me and showing my gratitude. In Jesus’ name. Amen.