Read Mark 8:11-13
The Pharisees continue to surprise us. I get the sense that they have a bit of an attitude. They clearly feel pressure because of what Jesus is doing and all the attention he is getting. What were they trying to prove by picking a fight with Jesus and demanding he prove himself worthy of their respect?
How do you think Jesus or his disciples felt? Did they feel sorry for the Pharisees who had stooped so low to demeaning Jesus in an attempt to exalt themselves? These were the religious leaders who they had respected.
Jesus’ response was epic yet subtle. We read that Jesus “sighed deeply in his spirit.” Jesus was rocked to his core, yet I’m not sure his sigh was audible to those looking on. Were you surprised that Jesus chose to comment briefly about his observations and then removed himself from the situation? He wasn’t going to allow the Pharisees to “ruffle his feathers” or lead to a confrontation.
Jesus modeled for us a very helpful and healthy response we can use when we are bullied or questioned. Have you ever been asked to “prove” your faith? I suppose such a request could elicit fear if you’re not sure how to put into words your utmost devotion to king of the universe.
Have you ever walked away from a confrontation about matters of faith with someone who is attacking you? Not many of us have had that experience. But there are plenty of people being persecuted for their faith all over the world. Sometimes you can’t walk away.
In general, confrontations or power plays for attention never end well. Someone is always hurt in some way. Jesus understood the power he had over all things and chose to be responsible with that power. You might even say Jesus’ humility that day was commendable. The Pharisees had picked a fight with Jesus. Jesus chose to walk the other way.
How can you apply Jesus’ response to your own life of faith? If people question you about your faith and want proof, hand them a Bible. Then ask the Holy Spirit to convict them to read it and be open to the message. Jesus didn’t “prove” it in that moment, and it’s not your job either.

Let’s pray. Lord, I love it when you give us lessons we can apply to our lives. Thank you for the reminder that it is not my job to convince anybody about how great you are. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job. Help me to live my life in such a way that my faith is reflected in all I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.