John 4:1-26 – Living Water

Read John 4:1-26

This is a familiar story to me, how about you? As you read it today, did anything new jump out at you that perhaps you hadn’t noticed before? It’s easy to read familiar passages and just skim over them because we “know” the story. When we can take a step back and read it as if it’s the first time we’ve encountered it, something new will surface. Try reading the passage again, with fresh eyes. Then share in the comments what was new for you today.

What jumped out for me was verse 10, “Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” Jesus could just as well be speaking to us here. What gift does God have for us? We know, don’t we? Many, like the Samaritan woman, do not. It appears all we have to do is ask.

Living water, what is that exactly?  To never thirst again refers to spiritual thirst. Jesus, and more particularly the Holy Spirit, will give us what we need so we will never thirst for more again. Our hearts will be filled with the grace and mercy only God can provide. Living water flows within. We are satisfied because of this living water and never have to go searching for truth again. God will provide the wisdom we need and open our eyes to see him. We only need to ask. All of that freedom is only a request away. “God, please fill me with your living water.”

Many of us are a little parched, searching for answers. The Samaritan woman was too, and God had a divine appointment for her to meet Jesus that day. It was no mistake that he “had to” go through Samaria. It was no mistake that Jesus learned the Pharisees were a little concerned with his popularity causing him to head back to Galilee. It wasn’t Jesus’ time yet to be caught in the snares of the religious leaders. He was in charge of that timing, just as he as in charge of gifting the living water.

It’s your turn to encounter Jesus. He has the gift of living water waiting for you. Have you asked him for some?

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for the grace and mercy you have provided. I ask that you fill me with your living water. May I feel refreshed and invigorated to share your message with more and more people. Thank you for the work you are doing in my life. May I continue to help others and move closer to you. Remove my feelings of frustration that sometimes keep me from being the best I can be. Cleanse my heart and ready me for service. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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