John 3:22-36 – Humility

Read John 3:22-36

There is a lot of good stuff in today’s reading. I’m struck by John’s humility. He takes the high road and not only speaks highly of Jesus, but he also acknowledges his own limitations. That is not easy. But John has lived a life devoted to God and the mission God gave him. He took his “job” very seriously and has been faithful to his call.

When we take a look at our own lives, do we have that same clarity? Do we know why God put us on this earth? Do we live and breathe out this mission? Jesus called us all to be his disciples. We have all been commanded to spread the word about Jesus’ life-saving power. Eternal life is available for all who believe. How fair would it be to leave anyone out, to keep anyone from hearing this truth?

What did you think when you read about the trouble making Jew? Did you immediately picture someone in your circle who likes to make waves? Was John rattled by the news of this person’s attempts to create a divide? Was John concerned that Jesus was also baptizing and attracting more and more people? No. John’s humility was exemplary here. He probably surprised even his disciples.

What can we learn from this? One big take away for me is to not be jealous of the success of another ministry leader. I remember when I was a children’s ministry director for 400+ children, I looked at other leaders and saw how many great ideas they had and what a creative environment they were creating for the children. I would then beat myself up for not being as “cool.” That wasn’t helpful to me or to the ministry God had given me.

We need to be content and pleased with what we have. We need to be more focused on our mission than the way our hair looks or how big our wardrobe is. What matters when all is said and done is how many people have heard the word of God. We should be asking: “What have I done to make Jesus known to those who don’t know him yet?” We need to focus more on what we’re doing than what the person across town is doing. (This also helps curb gossip which can be rampant these days.)

Thankfully, I have grown past those feelings of jealousy. I have listened to God’s own voice telling me to just trust Him, he is going to use me. When we spend all our time comparing ourselves to others, we miss out on opportunities to grow and help others do the same. Can you do a better job of being humble and letting God do the heavy lifting?

Let’s pray. Father, I thank you for how you have all things securely in your hands. Thank you for how you’ve helped me overcome my feelings of inadequacy. I know I am not perfect, but in my own weakness, I am made strong by you. May others recognize your strength and presence in my life. May my example be helpful for those who don’t yet know you to see what it’s like to be yours. May I stay humble as you use me to advance your kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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