John 3:9-21 – God Loves

Read John 3:9-21

Today’s reading is a continuation of the scene from my last reflection. Jesus is hanging out with Nicodemus and has just rocked Nic’s world. There is a huge difference between having head knowledge and having faith. Nicodemus was a smart man who knew his Scriptures. Jesus knew that without a doubt. But Nicodemus was having a hard time assimilating all that knowledge into an understanding of what Jesus was trying to say.

Imagine if someone came along who told you that the sky was not blue, it was purple. For your whole life, you had believed it to be blue, read about blue sky and white clouds. How could it really be purple? Now that is a silly example, but it helps us understand how Nicodemus was having a hard time here. Jesus was talking about things of heaven, brand new truth. 

In Nicodemus’ shoes, we might have a hard time with this, too. Jesus gives Nicodemus a look into the future when he talks about what will happen to him. What kind of a pole do you think Nicodemus imagined in this instance? Certainly not a cross. I’m sure Jesus’ words came rushing back when that did come to pass.

Jesus was telling Nicodemus this for a purpose. Jesus wanted him to understand why Jesus came. It wasn’t to be a great army leader or king of the land. It was to give eternal life to those who believe. It was because God loved the world so much he wanted to save it. We are the world. God loves us.

This is a favorite verse I think every Christian has memorized. It’s just that important.  “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” He gave. God gave because he loved.

It is still true today. People love the darkness. They are afraid of what the light will expose in them. We are all sinners. The light will reveal that. Jesus didn’t say we had to be perfect or sinless. He said we had to believe.  We had to trust God for our salvation. We should not fear what the light will reveal. If we are willing to accept Jesus’ gift, we will want to do good. It just happens that way. When we truly believe in Jesus’ redeeming love, we should want to enter the light “gladly”. Will we be perfect? No. But, we are loved, and we are saved.

Let’s pray. Lord, this passage is so familiar yet so difficult to grasp. You loved the world so much that you sent your son. You never wanted to condemn us, only stir up in us the desire to love you back and serve you. Help me to be a better servant. I do not fear the light but run to it gladly. May my life be a reflection of you burning brightly inside me. Use me to bring more people into the light to accept your precious gift. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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