John 2:23-3:8 – Born Again

Read John 2:23-3:8

Jesus has really made a splash in Jerusalem. While we don’t hear specifically about the miraculous signs he’s done, the people are paying attention. However, Jesus knows the human heart and how fickle it can be. He knows that selfish ambitions drive most humans. So, he is not going to let his guard down and trust their apparent allegiance.

He does have an evening visitor, Nicodemus. This wasn’t just anybody, this was a Jewish religious leader, a Pharisee. These leaders were curious yet threatened by Jesus because he was an anomaly. Nicodemus saw the truth and realized Jesus was sent by God to teach. Imagine his surprise when Jesus told him unless he was born again he would never see the Kingdom of God.

What does it mean to be born again? That’s exactly what Nicodemus wanted to know. He couldn’t imagine crawling back into his mother’s womb. I know as a young child and impressionable teenager, when I first heard this idea it seemed odd to me, too. At that time in my life, it seemed like the people going around preaching “you need to be born again” were kooky. I didn’t want to have anything to do with them. It seemed completely contrary to everything I was learning in Sunday School.

Listening to Jesus’ words, it is exactly what needs to happen to each of us in order for us to see the Kingdom of God, or heaven, or eternal life. The place where God resides forever. To get there, we need to be first refreshed and renewed by the Spirit of God. Mere water is not enough, whether that is the water in childbirth or the waters of baptism and repentance. We need the Holy Spirit to cleanse us and give us new life. So how does this happen?

I love Jesus’ words in verse 8, “The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.” So, unfortunately, it’s not a clear instruction but it is a clear requirement. We can’t be born again by doing good deeds and being good people. It’s a God thing, and it’s personal between us and God. We need to let the Holy Spirit refresh and renew us.

So, just as I was perplexed as a child, I am still not crystal clear as an adult. I do know that God wants our devotion and our attention.  He wants us to repent from our evil ways and walk in his will for us. His word is the instruction manual we need to move in the direction he wants for us. Take time today to search for him and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and refresh you.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for sending your Spirit to watch over me and guide me. I pray now for a special anointing as I begin my day.  Fill me with your Spirit of courage and strength. May my words be uplifting and helpful. Remove the clouds of doubt and gloom. I want to see you lifted high. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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