We aren’t told when this story happens other than it is near the time of the Jewish Passover. Many times we’ll hear, “the next day,” but here we don’t. This could be a story inserted from any of the Passovers that Jesus celebrated with his disciples. In the other gospels, this story appears near the end of Jesus’ ministry. In John, however, it is one of the first stories. Watch the scene HERE.
We see Jesus angry. He has visited the temple, “his Father’s house,” and found it to be a marketplace. He was overcome with emotion. His humanity was clear. He couldn’t control his anger. Instead of stuffing it inside and putting on a happy face, Jesus let loose. There was no question of his displeasure. I’m sure his disciples stood by wide-eyed, their mouths gaping just a bit.
The passion we see in Jesus for what is right should be a passion we have burning inside, too. How many times do we look the other way when we see injustice or evil taking over our world? What can we do to be more instrumental in putting change into motion? What changes should be made so that God is more visible and attainable for people? He doesn’t want to be an invisible God but one in communion with his creation.
A lot happens in this passage today. The disciples witness a side of Jesus they haven’t seen before nor probably will again. We hear again that his disciples “believed.” They recognized prophecy being fulfilled in their presence. Imagine the excitement and anticipation they were feeling as they watched Jesus in action. What would happen next? They had a front row seat to history in the making.
Why did Jesus get so angry? Wasn’t sacrificing animals part of what happens at the temple? Shouldn’t the people have access to the animals they are going to need if they didn’t bring their own? The fact that Jesus saw his own body as the “temple” may have had something to do with it. He would become the living sacrifice these people needed. There was no need for people to be getting rich or monetizing such a private and personal moment with God.
Three days to rebuild the temple must have seemed absurd to the religious leaders. How prophetic for Jesus to be sharing this truth. However, it fell on deaf ears that day for the leaders did not understand Jesus’ true meaning. It wasn’t until Jesus’ death and resurrection that his own disciples understood what Jesus was saying that day. God revealed this truth in its time.
We need to be listening for God to reveal himself. We will never hear his voice over the din of our own distractions. Take time today to set aside the tasks that are keeping you from focusing. Take some deep breaths and just wait quietly.
Let’s pray. Lord, I sit here in your presence feeling peace and contentment. I love to see you reveal yourself and what you are going to do. Help me to truly recognize you today. I want to hear your voice above all the rest of the noise. I want to understand what your message for me is and how I should respond. Continue your work in me as I strive to be better each day. I want to be the person you have made me to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.