John 4:27-42 – Special Food

Read John 4:27-42

Today’s reading continues the interaction between Jesus and the woman at the well. The exchange she has had with Jesus has filled her to overflowing, she just had to tell her friends and neighbors. Have you ever had such an experience that you just couldn’t wait to tell someone else? I know I love to hear stories my children tell after they have had a fun weekend or vacation. I want to hear all the details. They get so excited about sharing the fun they have had. It almost feels like I was there with them. We should be just as excited to share about the transformation Jesus has made in our lives.

Jesus’ visit to this town in Samaria has created quite a stir. Jesus has made a way into the people’s hearts and minds. Despite being a Jew, he has put that all aside to reap the harvest. He is being fed by serving his Father. That is the nourishment he is craving. His disciples think he must have eaten something else while they were in town buying some food. It must have been a while since they last ate. Have you ever been so excited you just couldn’t eat?

In our faith journey, we will encounter many different kinds of people. We will meet people that don’t have a relationship with Jesus as well as ones who do and are very devoted. We may share the gospel with someone, but their heart is not ready to grasp or accept what we are sharing. Another will come along and reap the harvest of the seeds we planted in that person’s life. In the same way, we may befriend someone whose curiosity is growing because of the seeds of faith someone else planted. We can reap the harvest, so to speak.

We shouldn’t worry about whether someone “comes to faith” or not on our watch. We may never know how the seeds we plant each day will bloom in people’s lives. It doesn’t matter. We need to be planting seeds. Every day. What a joy it is when we can be the harvester of someone else’s planting. Remember, it is God who tends our hearts, and it his prompting that brings someone to faith. We should never claim responsibility. We only help.

Jesus tells us his nourishment comes from doing the will of his Father. How true that can be for us. When we are truly in God’s will and doing the work he has called us to do, we are spiritually filled and content. We are not thinking of our bellies. Have you ever gotten so immersed in a project that you forgot to eat? I have. The pangs of hunger could not break through my focus on doing what I was called to do. I’ll go with that rather than say, I was just lazy and didn’t want to cook.

What do you take away from today’s reading? It’s a good reminder that we need to be planting seeds and helping folks find Jesus. He’s hiding in plain sight, but some people need help to see. How are you working for the kingdom today?

Let’s pray. Lord, I am ready for the harvest and look forward to how you are going to use me. I am also thankful that you fill me with your special food as I am faithful to you. I ask now for the encouragement I need to follow through with what I am to do today. Show me where I can make a difference. Use my gifts and my experience to lead someone else to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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