John 4:43-54 – Just Believe

Read John 4:43-54

It seems like Jesus is a bit put out with people at times. I might even go so far as to say, “snarky.” His comment in verse 28, “Must I do miraculous signs and wonders before you people will believe in me?” This was in the NLT translation I have in my Bible. The NLT translation I have given you a link to above says, “Will you never believe in me unless you see miraculous signs and wonders?” Not quite as snarky.

Jesus was full of compassion and healed the boy without even setting foot in the official’s house. Of course, Jesus could do that. The official believed it, didn’t plead his case anymore and went home. There had to be faith there, to begin with, or the official wouldn’t have even asked Jesus such a thing. That was a bold faith to be sure. Note this was a civic leader, not a religious leader.

Because of this miracle, more people came to believe in Jesus, not just the official. Those who had seen the boy healed at the very moment Jesus spoke with the father would be forever changed. When we have concrete evidence like that, it’s hard not to believe. But what about those of us who haven’t witnessed a healing or some other miraculous sign? Each time a bud blooms, the sun rises, or new life is born. it is a miracle to be sure. We can behold many miracles each day if we are looking.

So what do you think, does Jesus’ comment about “you people” strike a chord at all? Do you ever hold back your devotion because you just need to see first? Have you ever bargained with God? It could be something like, “if you show me your power (heal my sickness, solve my financial problems), then I will believe and follow you.” Even if we don’t try to strike up a deal, we may have asked God for a “sign.”

In the book of John, they talk about the signs of Jesus. There are eight of them, and they reveal Jesus’ divine/human nature and his life-giving mission. We’ve seen two of them so far — this healing and the water into wine deal back at the wedding in Cana.

So we need to just believe Jesus will act according to his Father’s will. We need to keep our relationship with Jesus growing all the time with the assurance of answered prayer. It may not always be answered in the way we want it to be answered. But God’s answers are always the best. If the answer is to wait, we need to be obedient to that. But to not ask can be a mistake. Always ask, let God know your heart.

We don’t need to wait for a sign. We have the Bible, we have God’s spirit living inside us. We need to just believe.

Let’s pray. Father, help me to push aside all doubts and troubles that keep me from focusing 100% on you. Don’t let my let circumstances disillusion me and cause me to be anxious. You are a very big God and there is nothing you can’t handle. Help me to realize there are some things you won’t handle in the way I’d like. Renew my spirit today and refresh me to do your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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