John 19:17-27 – The End Draws Near

Read John 19:17-27

Crucifixion is such a horrible way to die. It’s hard to imagine hanging there with pierced hands and feet, maybe for days on end. Someone pointed out not too long ago that we wear that reminder around our necks when we wear a cross. Interesting thought. We don’t where electric chairs or guns around our necks, but we do wear crosses.

The cross is different for Christians. It is a symbol of love. How much we were loved on that fateful day on the hill of Golgotha. Jesus didn’t stop loving or caring in the midst of his pain. He wanted to provide for his dear mother, and he blessed the new union of his mother and her new son, Jesus’ dear friend and disciple.

Such a touching moment. No mother/parent should have to witness the death of their own child. I’m sure this was more than Mary could bear. From a mother’s perspective, I can only imagine the agony. But her son, Jesus, had always been different from her other children. He also belonged to God. He had a serious job to do. Mother Mary never stood in his way. She was probably his biggest fan!

Fitting as it was, Jesus’ charge was “King of the Jews.” I found it interesting that Pilate wrote it in several languages so more people could see and understand. Was being a king a punishable offense? How often do you see your own “King” nailed to a cross? In a worldly kingdom, a king would have utmost respect and authority. So, for this to be Jesus’ charge of guilt is just a little ironic.

We know Jesus has full authority over all, and his kingdom has no end. However, this is not the picture of Jesus the people on the hill saw that day. The religious leaders wanted Pilate to change the charge to make it look like blasphemy. Pilate refused. Jesus is king over a lot more than just the Jews. It has been the Jews (most of them anyway) who have continued to turn their back on Jesus as God’s son to this very day.

What about you? What does your relationship with Jesus look like? Are you on the fringes looking in? Are you at his feet surrendering every day?

Let’s pray. Father, I am overcome with emotion when I think of what Jesus endured for me that day. Me, and the rest of the world. But still, me. I want to be the one who surrenders to you and your will for me. I want to be the one who trusts without question, even when the going gets rough. I want to be one of your biggest champions in this world. Help me be the best I can be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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