John 19:1-16 – Not Guilty

Read John 19:1-16

Why did Jesus have to endure a flogging with a lead tipped whip? That seems a little extreme, especially in light of Pilate’s pronouncement of innocence. But the brutality must have been what needed to happen to fully cleanse us all from our sins. Hanging on a cross to die was not torture enough. It’s hard to imagine.

It’s not a pleasant reminder at all. But it is good to remember exactly what Jesus took upon himself for us. It wasn’t a quiet, slipping away kind of death. Recall the words of Isaiah 53:5, “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” It was foretold that Jesus would be whipped. For us.

I’m always relieved that someone got it and knew Jesus wasn’t guilty of death. Nonetheless, Pilate succumbed to the people’s angry cries. Did he feel powerless? Did he fear a revolt? I’m sure there was something going on here. A life was at stake. An innocent man was about to die. Pilate surely would not want that on his record.

I’ve always wondered what Pilate thought. The religious leaders wanted this man dead. Why? What if it was true he was the Son of God? We hear that Pilate was frightened by that. Did he believe in God? Probably not our God.

Pilate’s interests were to protect Rome and make sure Jesus, as a king, didn’t have his sights on a take-over. When it became clear that Jesus’ agenda was not focused in that direction, Pilate was satisfied. He was also perplexed at how the people had turned on this man.

So it has begun. Our guiltless king has been sentenced to die. Our sins lay in the balance. How does it make you feel? Take some time today to wrestle with this.

Let’s pray. Lord, I feel so overcome with emotion when I imagine what you endured for me. I know it was destined, so I thank you with every inch of my being. May my life reflect this gratefulness. May praise be on my lips and in my heart at all times. Help me to stay focused on you when distractions try to steal me away. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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