Ephesians 6:12 – Who is Your Enemy?

black and white depiction of an angel battle

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Have you ever wondered where you actual enemies were? It’s not the backstabbing coworker or the troublemaker on the playground. This memory verse reminds us that our true enemies are unseen, evil spirits. How does that make you feel? We’re likely to feel uneasy, to the say the least, when we realize that we’re powerless over something we cannot see.

Context: Paul wrote to the Ephesians about these invisible enemies to make a point about God’s power. Again we look at the armor of God as our protection, and this verse explains why it is so important that we allow God to be our defender. For foes such as are described in our verse, we definitely need more than our own power.

We don’t always think about the forces of evil we cannot see. But we should, and that’s why I included this verse for us to memorize. The rivals we encounter face-to-face can be daunting enough, but the battles raging “behind the scenes” are much more life threatening.

When we know who our enemies are we are better able to protect ourselves. We can strategize and come up with a battle plan. This verse can be unsettling when we realize our biggest rivals are unseen. If that’s you, just remember who your protector is.

The evil one is crafty, and the authorities he calls forth to cause us to stumble are plentiful. Selfishness, jealousy, greed, lust, and need for approval are only a few of the culprits that battle with our sense of self. You may even find yourself caught up in one of these snares right now. You know how hard it is to overcome such a trial or temptation on your own.

Thankfully, we don’t have to fight alone. There are plenty of Bible passages that assure us that God is our warrior king. Exodus 14:14 should be a memory verse, too. It says, “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” We don’t have to worry as much about who our enemies are when we trust in God to defend us.

Take some time to listen to Chris Tomlin’s song, “Strongholds.” Be encouraged, and trust God to fight your battles.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, it is so much easier to stay calm about my unseen enemies when I imagine you fighting all the battles I cannot see. Thank you for having my back and protecting me. I thank you for each piece of armor you have given me as well to keep my defenses up. May I be reminded each day to clothe myself with all your provisions. I continue to marvel and be in awe of you. Show me how I can serve you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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