There are a couple great nuggets for us in today’s reading. But the bottom line is we don’t want to forget God, ever. I can’t say that I’ve ever “forgotten” him, but there are periods in my life when I wasn’t connected and focusing on him like I am today. There were times that I felt like he had forgotten me.
Perhaps we can see what happens when we stop relying on God. Remember the manna? The people were hungry. They were humbled by a circumstance. Who came through for them? God. He will be there for us, too. Do you feel like you are a state of being humbled by some circumstance? Are you letting it cripple you? Or do you see how God is your answer? Let him use this as a teachable moment to help you grow.
What do you think about what Moses says about how God disciplines us? Like a parent will discipline a child for misbehaving, God has his own way of setting the record straight. It’s for our own good. As I’m writing this, we are in the midst of a global pandemic. I can’t say that God brought this about, but God is allowing it to affect his people. Are we being disciplined in some way for our actions? Is spending time locked inside away from other people humbling us in some way to correct behaviors that were hurting us? I have to admit that amidst the horrific illness that is literally killing thousands of people, there are many more people feeling refreshed and renewed, seeing things differently, relying on God maybe for the first time in a long time.
No matter what, we should revere the Lord for his provisions. I don’t know about you, but I feel beyond grateful for the opportunity to live each day and experience God’s creation. I know many struggle to make ends meet. I know many around the globe are hungry without provision. Yet I have seen extreme devotion to God from those who seem to struggle the most. They know that what they have is from God.
How do we respond when we can feel God or see him working in our lives? We should praise the Lord at all times! He is worthy to be praised. Psalm 145:3 says, “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.” That is most certainly true. It is hard to even fathom the greatness of God. And to think that he loves us. He loves us!
It’s easy to give praise when our lives are sailing along on smooth waters. However, that is also the time when we might start to take God for granted and start believing in our own power. We can often forget God because we start focusing on the wrong thing. On wanting more of the world. Does God get pushed out of the way until we need him again? “Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed to your ancestors with an oath.” Moses reminds us to remember God at all times. We are who we are because God gave us life and an opportunity to grow and experience the world.
I have been in a land of desolation where I felt far from God. I have been in the land of plenty having all my needs taken care of. I know the difference was my allegiance and devotion to God. If you are feeling far from God or unsure of how God is working in your life, reach out and rekindle that relationship. Don’t forget about God another minute.

Let’s pray… Lord, forgive me when I try to venture out on my own without asking you first. Forgive me when I take you for granted. Help me to walk in your will for me. Use me to help others to find you and remember your greatness. I love you, Lord. Thank you for loving me no matter what. In Jesus’ name. Amen.