We’ve reflected through these Advent devotions about God’s promise to King David. God gifted David to be a mighty warrior and king, but the King of glory David speaks of in this psalm is not an earthly king at all. David can envision the LORD as King over all things.
The study notes in my Bible suggest this psalm may have been a song sung in call and response style. Picture the worship leader asking the question, “Who is the King of glory?” and the people singing out, “The LORD strong and mighty.” Indeed. The King of glory is the Messiah himself.
It does us good to get into a worship mindset as Christmas is now just a week away. Have you been listening to Christmas carols to get yourself in the “mood”? It’s one of my favorite things about this time of year. Do you have a favorite Christmas song? Mine is “O Holy Night.” It was my mom’s favorite, too, and I cherish the handwritten note she put in my piano music when I was a young girl to learn that one! Mom has been singing with the angel choir for almost 28 years now!
I imagine this King of glory lighting up heaven with his glow. The “glory” of the Lord is often understood as God’s majesty, his holiness, his splendor. I picture a brilliant light with warmth radiating from the heart of God.
How else to you calm your spirit so that you can focus on God’s majesty in worship? I love the opening words from the praise song, “The Heart of Worship” that say: “When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come. Longing just to bring something that’s of worth that will bless your heart.” That’s how I want to approach the throne of God. It’s all about Jesus. All things point to Jesus.
With a week yet to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ first coming, we can’t let our guard down. So many distractions abound in the decorations, cookies, parties, concerts, gifts, food, travel, etc. We want to keep our hands and hearts pure as this psalm says. The LORD’s blessing came to us first in a humble way, but he will come again with might, invincible in battle.
Are we ready?

Let’s pray. Lord, you are strong and mighty, ready to fight every battle on my behalf. Thank you for how you are working in my life. I want to be ready for that day when the ancient doors are opened and you come as the King of glory, your splendor shining all around. Help me to focus on you, only you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.