Peace. What does that mean to you? I know that’s a big question. When is the last time you really felt peace? I mean, really felt it?
This is one of my favorite passages from Isaiah. There is so much to cling to here, one could get lost in these words for days. Perhaps, if you haven’t felt full of peace or peaceful recently, you can spend some extra time with these verses and just let the breadth of each word strengthen you, refresh you, and bring you peace.
Have you ever felt burdened with work, tasks, or even guilt? Think of God’s people, who just like us, have heard these words. “For you will break the yoke of their slavery and lift the heavy burden from their shoulders.” Our peace can certainly be restored when we feel like our burdens have just floated away.
We don’t have to live from crisis mode to crisis mode. I recall the days when that’s exactly what it felt like. The season of life we were in seemed to keep doling out one challenge after another–as in waves that keep returning to crash onto the beach, or so it seemed! Jesus came to “break the oppressor’s rod.”
The names for Jesus spelled out here are easily recognizable by us. We have the benefit of knowing about Jesus’ first coming. These words of the prophet Isaiah bring alive the privilege we share of having Jesus alive in our hearts, ready to fill us anew each day with his Spirit of power and truth. That privilege is what brings me peace over and over again.
Our Prince of Peace, Jesus, is available to us. He gives us access to the Heavenly Father, too. We are in such a place of honor, even while we are still sinners here on earth. How does that make you feel? Doesn’t it tingle just a little bit when you think of it? God, the Creator of the universe and Savior of the world is fighting for you.
We may not be thrilled with what’s happening in our earthly government. (I’m not going “there,” but suffice it to say that there is always something that irks us in government because it’s made up of God’s imperfect children. That’s all I’m going to say.) But the promise is right here in this passage. “His government and its peace will never end.”
Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor, and his government will be one of fairness and love. That doesn’t even sound possible with our limited ways of thinking about things. We can all agree that it sounds like the perfect solution. Jesus’ government will be worth the wait! “He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity.”
Peace. There will be peace. The fruits of the spirit will abound. Can you imagine a place where there is an unlimited supply of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That’s an eternity I want to be part of.
The world is trying to zap our peace. Galatians 5 is such a great source of truth when it comes to how we live our peace-filled lives while we wait for Jesus. You can take a quick read of these verses for living a Spirit-filled life.
Breathe in the hope Jesus brings and exhale out all the stress and peace-zappers affecting you right now.

Let’s pray. Today is a new day, and I look forward to what we are going to accomplish together. I want to look at each new day as a new opportunity for you to shine through me. Help me focus on you and the gift you are in my life. Thank you for working through me. There is such joy when I know you are moving inside me! In Jesus’ name. Amen.