Read Daniel 5:1-12
We’ve all heard the idiom, “the writing is on the wall.” I couldn’t help but think about that when I read this passage. According to Merriam-Webster, the idiom is “used to say that it is clear that something bad will probably happen soon.” I wonder if that’s the underlying message here?
Can you imagine actually watching a human hand appear and start writing a message on your wall? Creepy. Really creepy. It’s not surprising that the king and his noble dinner guests were afraid. Some may have wondered what was in the wine to cause such a hallucination? But it was real.
A new era in Babylon was now underway. We’re told Nebuchadnezzar’s son, Belshazzar (not to be confused with Daniel’s Babylonian name, Belteshazzar) was now king, and many years had passed. Thankfully, not everyone had forgotten about Daniel’s special abilities from God.
The Queen Mother had recollection and reminded the king, “There is a man in your kingdom who has within him the spirit of the holy gods.” She got the “holy” part right but was in error about the “plural” gods part. What stands out was her confidence in Daniel’s abilities to be the one to make sense of this craziness. Daniel’s powers were God-given, just as the Queen Mother said when she told the king this man was “filled with divine knowledge and understanding.”
Who do you trust to make sense of the craziness in your life? Do you have a close relationship with someone who keeps you focused on God? I can’t say enough how easy it is to let the trappings of this world get in the way of our God-given purpose. We need to surround ourselves with people who think like us and trust the words of Scripture.
We can always approach God directly, thanks to what Jesus did. We can ask God straight up what to do in each situation. We can confidently expect God will respond in some way to answer our prayer. He may use a message in Scripture, lyrics in a praise song, another faithful person, or some other creative approach.
I want the handwriting on my wall to be a message of praise and thanksgiving. Seeing that reminder every chance I can encourages me and is hopefully a bit “contagious.” Adopting a spirit of gratefulness benefits us in so many ways. For one, you can’t be bogged down with worry or strife if you’re focusing on praise and thanksgiving. What are you grateful for in this moment?
Let’s pray. Lord, my heart overflows when I think of what you have done for me. The lengths you have gone to get my attention is hard to fathom. Because of that and how much you love me; I want to serve you with my best self. Help me to be the best that I can be so that I can serve you well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.