Daniel 4:28-37 – God’s Sovereignty

open book with a light shining on it from above with black background

Read Daniel 4:28-37

Within a year, King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream became reality. Some dreams do come true! What sounded fantastical actually happened by God’s power and might. We should never question God’s intentions or who he uses to accomplish his purposes. Certainly, it would not have been our choice to give a pagan king such a wise lesson.

Let’s focus on what the fulfillment of the king’s dream reveals about God’s sovereignty. God controls everything and can make the impossible happen. God seriously wants our obedience and worship. God’s timing is always perfect.

Just as the king uttered his words of prideful gloating, God chose to send the message from heaven. It had been a year since Daniel gave him the message, do you think Nebuchadnezzar had totally forgotten about that dream? Or perhaps, he had been tormented by that dream like some dreams do?

If there was any doubt, the booming voice from heaven would have brought it all back. The lesson the king was to learn during those seven periods was simply that “the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses.” Nebuchadnezzar’s own might did not have anything to do with his position. What a huge mindset shift for a pagan king to make. I suppose that is why he was reduced to eating like a cow for that period of time.

The LORD went to extreme measures here to teach us a lesson, too. He wants our obedience and trust. God wants us to acknowledge his presence in our lives and worship him with our whole being. Our devotion for God is our primary call in life.

We’re not told how long seven periods actually is, but we’re given quite a description of what happened in that period of time. Nebuchadnezzar’s “hair was as long as eagles’ feathers and his nails were like birds’ claws.” What a great word picture!

The fact that the vision was for “seven” periods suggests it was complete. The significance of seven in the Bible always means “completeness.” It was the “perfect” amount of time necessary to get Nebuchadnezzar to the place of accepting the truth about God’s sovereignty. God is the supreme ruler, not any human authority figure.

There may even be a side message here for people in authority. And also for us who sometimes question people in authority. If we rely on this passage alone, God makes a statement that he is the only sovereign one. All other rulers are in their place because God allows it. That can help us, too, when we are at odds with governing bodies in the world.

To me, God is sovereign because he is the supreme authority of my life. I may need to obey the laws of people because I live in this world, but I don’t have to agree with them if they violate God’s law or what is written in Scripture. I didn’t used to always have such a strong feeling in that regard. But the more time I spend getting to know God, his word and will for my life, the more crystal clear it becomes that it is the only way to think. I am obedient to my King!

The best part of this whole passage is that Nebuchadnezzar finally gets it and all is restored to him, and then some. The king didn’t keep it all to himself either. His life had been profoundly changed by the Most High God. How would you respond about how your life has been touched by God?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, I thank you for the abundant blessings you have given me. I bow to you as the supreme authority for my life. Forgive me when old habits creep in and try to distract me. Open my eyes to see the truth in your word and how it applies to my life and this world. Fill me with confidence to be your light in this world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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