Psalm 146 – What the Lord Does

Read Psalm 146

Praise the Lord! The final psalms are all going to begin and end with this phrase. What a powerful way to end this beautiful book of the Bible.

The Lord does many things for us. This psalm speaks to us on many levels, and it is likely we can identify with something shared here. Our psalmist states he will praise God until his dying breath. While we don’t know if this is days, months or years, it doesn’t matter, he wants to glorify God for ALL his days. Not just on those days he feels good.

How about us? Do we have this kind of praise attitude? These final psalms may be a good wake up call for us to put more praise in our lives. We aren’t to put our confidence in other humans, even smart and successful ones, but in God.

So what does the psalmist believe God is doing or has done? He made everything; keeps his promises; gives justice; feeds the hungry; frees prisoners; heals the blind, lifts up those who are burdened, loves the godly, protects the foreigners, cares for orphans and widows, and frustrates the plans of the wicked. What a list!

God is going to do this forever. Are there any items on this list that surprise you? What ones are missing–what would your list include?

It certainly is not an exhaustive list. Take a moment to resonate on just one of these. What does this “deed” say to you? If you’re like me, your heart cannot help but be overwhelmed with gratitude and praise.

We are children with an inheritance for eternity. God is living, working and doing these things in our midst now and forever. How can we not be moved?

Let’s pray. Father God I give you thanks and praise for all you do for me. I am blessed beyond measure by your goodness and grace. You are my king and I am grateful. You have rescued me and set my feet on solid ground. You have given me a mission, and I pray that you will walk beside to help me execute. May I keep my eyes on you and use the gift you have given me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 145 – Worthy of Praise

Read Psalm 145

David is exalting his God in a mighty way in this psalm, don’t you think? The focus stays on our mighty God the whole time. There are no cries for rescue or requests for condemnation of his foes.

I found this psalm very uplifting. As I am facing a new challenge in my life, this was a very good reminder of who is in charge. My God is mighty and much better equipped to face my foes and challenges than I. There are so many good examples of God’s attributes here to remind us all of the great God we follow and serve.

We are reminded of the majesty of God, too. Which of these spoke to you most today?

My God is King, majestic and filled with glorious splendor. He is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love. He reigns with majesty and glory, and his kingdom will last forever. God always keeps his promises. He is gracious. He satisfies and is close. He is filled with kindness and protects all who love him. What a God we have! 

We are still blessed today by God’s wonderful miracles and awe-inspiring deeds. I’d love if you’d share an experience of witnessing a miracle in the comments below. We need to share these stories.

I love how the psalm ends, “I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless his holy name forever and ever.”  This should be our mantra today and always.

Let’s pray. Lord you are great and worthy to be praised. May everything that passes from my mouth today bring glory to you. I love that you are close, ready to comfort, give strength, and bless us.  Help me in all I do today. Fill me with your grace so that all conversations I have may be inspired by you. Bless those who do not yet know you or who are away. May they yearn and look for you so they, too, can bless your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 144 – God First

Read Psalm 144

No matter what you are doing right now, you are doing exactly what God wants. He wants you to put him first, above whatever else you could be doing right now.


Sometimes it’s hard to shut out the world and all of it’s demands and distractions. For me, today, I am having internet problems. It may seem like a little thing to most people, but when that is the tool you use to help share with the world, it’s like coming to a roadblock or detour along your route.

I long to spend time with God, and my devotion time is precious to me. I hope it that way for you. If not, please visit these short devotionals and use them as a way to springboard back into your relationship with God.

This psalm will speak to each of us a little differently depending on what we are going through or where in our journey we are. For today, I’m going to focus on verse 3. Lord, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them?” 

Who Am I is a great song that really drives this verse home for me. Listen to it here.

We are only here for a flash in time when compared to eternity. I am constantly in awe of a God who could love EVERYONE and everything he created. Isn’t that just hard to comprehend?

Jesus has paid the price! He is our salvation. Little did the psalmist know, who would personify his cry of verse 11, Save me! Rescue me fro”m the power of my enemies.” 

Our Savior and King reigns and I agree with verse 15. “Yes, joyful are those who live like this! Joyful indeed are those whose God is the Lord.” Are you feeling joyful today?

Let’s pray. Lord, despite all of the trials and new directions my day can take, I am with you now. Thank you for walking with me through my frustration and helping me to feel peace. You are my strength, my shield, and my stronghold. I want to be your shining light. Help me to truly enter into a time of honor and praise to you. There is so much to be grateful for, and all if it is from you, Lord. Thank you for this day and another opportunity to sing your praise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 143 – Hear My Prayer

Read Psalm 143

This psalm really has some juicy nuggets in it. There are so many requests going on. Remember that movie when Jim Carrey played God, I think it was Bruce Almighty. Well, I remember a scene where he was hearing all the prayer requests and he was overwhelmed. Couldn’t fathom at first how God could ever answer all of them.

I know that is a silly example, but it’s true. When we think of all the prayers God hears and he answers them all. In this psalm alone, we see David praying that (1) God will come quickly, (2) God not turn away, (3) God be heard every morning, (4) God show him the path, (5) God rescue from enemies, (6) God teach, (7) God silence enemies, (8) God destroy foes and so on. That is a relatively short prayer, but it is sure packed with requests.

But note, amidst the requests, there are beautiful affirmations. God is faithful and righteous, has done great works, shows unfailing love, and is gracious. God appreciates our adoration, and that should be the easy part of our prayers. Easy, but often forgotten.

Think about your prayer life. When you talk to God is it conversational or more like a plea full of requests? Do you shower him with praise and adoration, telling him of his greatness? Do you come with a grateful heart?

Do you think of God as your best friend or as a untouchable deity? The psalmist seems to be doing a good job of doing both. He is raw in his cries for help but mindful of who he is praying to.

Our prayers don’t need to be elaborate. They just need to be. We need to be talking with God and sharing our lives with him. Sure, he knows what we think before we think it and all of that, but he yearns to hear it come from us. He longs for a relationship with his children.

Reflect on your prayer life and how you can make it more meaningful for you and for God.

Let’s pray. Lord you are majestic and mighty. You have made all that is, and the beauty of your creation astounds me. Thank you that you have put me in your world to enjoy you in this way. Forgive me when I forge on ahead before bringing you into the plan. I want you to be Lord of my life. Guide me and move me in the direction you want me to go. Help me to listen for your voice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 142 – Help Me!

Read Psalm 142

If you were to write a psalm today, a song about your place in life, what would it look like? This psalm is ascribed to David as he is in a cave. He sounds a bit forlorn and very lonely.

While none of us are probably in a cave, we may be in a place where we feel alone. Did you know you can be in a huge crowd of people but still be alone? It’s happened to me, and I’m sure it’s happened to you. Think of an airport for example. You’ll see lots of people milling about, but most of them won’t even notice you. Most of them are so caught up in their own travel destination and itinerary to keep you company.

Maybe your psalm will be one of joyful singing for you have just received a promotion at work, become a grandparent for the first time, or have helped someone out of a jam (boy does that feel good)! It’s easy to sing praise when we are feeling joy.

God’s hand is at work in our lives in the everyday, and sometimes we forget that. He is certainly at work in every sunrise and sunset, in the beauty of creation that surrounds us. But for us personally, sometimes we feel abandoned. Maybe he is too busy helping my neighbor. But no, God is there for us all.

Verse 2 made me smile. I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles.” Sometimes my prayer time does look like this. But I’m certain God wants to hear from us so bad, and like a good friend he is ready to hear the good and the bad. He wants to be in our lives no matter what is happening.

We need to remember that God is good. Always. Forever.

Let’s pray. Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. I long for the day I am in your presence singing with all the heavenly hosts. For now, I love that you have put me in a place where I can make a difference. I want to feel your presence coursing through my veins. May you be in the air I breathe and the words I speak. Show me those that need to hear a word from you today and speak through me. Use me to be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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