Psalm 141 – Guard My Mouth

Read Psalm 141

When I started reading this psalm, I thought I was going to talk about rushing the Lord. The psalmist comes right out and says, “Please hurry.” I can certainly resonate with this, wanting God’s answer now, or even yesterday would be nice. But God’s timing is perfect, I am often reminded of this. That’s why patience is a virtue, one that I am still working on.

But verse 3 is what struck a chord for me, Take control of what I say, O Lordand guard my lips.” How many times have you said something and wished you hadn’t? Maybe you had good intentions, but what you said was misinterpreted? I think we all have a good number of these experiences and wish we didn’t. Words spoken that we wish we could take back.

Here, I think the psalmist is wanting to take care to avoid falling into the trap of evil. If he speaks of things that are evil or talks with those who do evil, there is a fear that he will lose his path to God. Do you see it this way, too? It’s like he knows that if he starts talking a certain way, he won’t find favor with God anymore.

I know that for me, when I start to gossip, for instance, there is an eerie feeling of uneasiness that is like a dark cloud surrounding me. I know it’s a sin to gossip and speak of others in a negative light. Untruths can spread like wildfire this way. Do you know this uneasy feeling? I’m pretty sure some would call this my conscience. I think of it as the Holy Spirit inside me cringing. “Shape up, Dana, you know better” is playing over and over in my head.

So, asking for God’s help in controlling our mouth or guarding our words is something we should ask for regularly.

Let’s pray. Thank you God for all the beautiful things that surround me. I know they are from your hand for my enjoyment. Help me to have a grateful heart today. Guard my mouth and the words I speak that they will glorify you. May no evil thoughts come to mind or be spoken. I want to focus on you and your great provision for me. Thank you for how you are moving in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 140 – Protect Me

Read Psalm 140

The psalmist, David, is in fear of the evil around him. He cries out to God for rescue and protection. He knows God is there for him. He recalls the protection on the “day of battle”. There were, in fact, many days of battle in which God protected David.

This psalm reminds us that evil and enemies are not new to our time. We may want to try and qualify that our evil is worse, but evil is evil. Nothing good can come from the “hands of the wicked.”

I wonder here if the psalmist is a bit paranoid. I think we have all had those moments when we think people are talking badly of us, or plotting something against us. Or am I the only one? One might think so with David here, but there were times chronicled in David’s life where he was on the run, hiding for safety, and fearful.

I think our take-away could be something like – God will protect us from those who slander and abuse us. We need to call upon him and trust for his deliverance, as did David. Our troubles and brushes with evil are not too much for God. He is on the ready to be our knight in shining armor.

Are you calling on God for help?

Let’s pray. Father, you are the great rescuer and redeemer. Why is it so hard to remember that when I forge out on my own? Thank you for your forgiveness and great love for me. You forgive my shortcomings, and they are forgotten. You know the cries of my heart. I long for the day I see them revealed. In your time, Lord, I know. Give me patience to wait. Today I ask for you to bless all the children in our village and particularly our church. They need a special word from you to let them know you are near. Bring our sweet dog home and keep her safe while we’re apart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 139 – God Knows

Read Psalm 139

This is one of my favorite psalms, I had forgotten how much I love it.  I hope you enjoy it, too.

So many profound truths that we often take for granted. Let’s unpack a few of these:

God knows everything about us. From our actions to our thoughts, there is no limit, we cannot hide from God. When you think about that, are there things you’ve done or thought that you wish God didn’t know about?

God goes before us. He has sent Jesus for us to feel what humans feel. Jesus has given us the example to follow.  And we cannot escape God’s Spirit. His presence is always with us. Now that can be a huge comfort when we’re afraid, nervous, unsure, sad, or lonely. What beautiful pictures this psalm paints.

God made us complex. We often take the beauty of our bodies for granted. These verses just remind me of how great our God is. Those that study medicine must have a deeper understanding of the complexities of our inner parts. I know as I get older, I’m watching a sag here and there. Our bodies aren’t meant to last, we are destined for eternity with God.

And to think God knew us from the beginning. While we were still in our mothers’ womb. He is keeping track of us. His book must be immense. And to think of all the poor souls who don’t know him or his love.  God saw us all.  The psalmist wants God to destroy the wicked. While evil, God created them, too.

Take a moment to just reflect on the truths of this psalm and how much we mean to God. I’ve often heard it said, that our picture would be on God’s refrigerator – he is that proud and in love with us.

Let’s pray. Lord you are so good to me. Bring me to a place of comfort today and wipe away my tears. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in  me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 138 – Assurance

Read Psalm 138

When I read this psalm, I told myself that I wanted to see if I could sum it up in one word for the title. Assurance is what came to me in an instant. Read the psalm again and write in the comments what word came to your mind.

David is giving us a great example of how we praise and bless our God. With thanks, singing praise, bowing down, prayer. When is the last time you bowed down or got on your knees during your time with God?

There are some really great worship songs that talk of that total surrender. Here’s one of my favorites. Click here.

We can boldly come before our God knowing he is there and listening. He deserves our undivided attention.  How do you get yourself to a place of such reverence? Does it take a while to feel connected and as one with your Savior?

Let’s take a look at using David’s example here in this psalm as our prayer outline or guide. We start out by giving thanks. Coming with a grateful heart is always pleasing to God. Bow down, kneel, sing praise, pray, whatever it takes to close out distractions.

Then, the psalmist looks to others, perhaps this is where we pray for others, use good examples from the faithful to draw us deeper into our admiration.

Finally, once in total communion  with God, affirm God for all the good he has done and is doing in your life. Give him your troubles and concerns. Trust him to make all things right as he sees fit for you.

My favorite verse in this psalm is verse 8. “The Lord will work out his plans for my life—for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.” Take a moment to resonate with that promise and assurance. God will work things out for us. I am confident that even when we take the wrong turn, he is there to help us find a new way. 

Like GPS will redirect and recalculate when you miss a turn, so our God, in an even greater way, helps us get back on track. Have you gotten off track during your life? Do you ever wonder what would have happened if….? Trust that God has given you a beautiful “Plan B”. He has for me!

Let’s pray. Thank you Lord for being there to walk with me. When I take the wrong turn, thank you for finding me and getting me back on course (or helping me chart a new course). I love to sing your praises and lift your name on high. May my life be a shining example of your grace today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 137 – Despair

Read Psalm 137

What was your impression of this psalm?

After reading all of the psalms of ascents (psalms 120-134), this psalm was clearly written before the exile. The psalms are not necessarily ordered chronologically by date.

What is striking is the psalmist desire to never forget. He is even giving God “permission” to harm him should he “forget Jerusalem.” Jerusalem was more than a place or a home town to these people. It represents God, the place where God resides. So his plea to never forget includes not forgetting God.

You can almost share in the despair of the psalmist. He describes two memories that are really haunting him. Sometimes even bad memories can be used to help us, but most times not. Here, he is recalling how hard it was to obey and play his music amidst the pain.

His comment in verse 4, But how can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a pagan land?” Think of what we know today about our call to make disciples of all  nations. Those in captivity had the opportunity to do just this. In a pagan land, who better to need to know of God’s love and deliverance?

I’ve had times where it’s hard to feel like worshiping amidst the pain or struggle. It is in those times I had to dig deeper than normal. When I am able get past the “going through the motions”, I have entered into truly intimate worship.

The psalm’s third section recalls the day they were taken. It would be like reliving a nightmare over and over. But in this case, the nightmare is real. I’m guilty of doing this, playing in my head over and over again something bad that happened. It can cripple you. Don’t do it!

Here the psalmist is using it to help him remember, to help him stay angry at his captors. I would suggest that this is not healthy. It can suffocate you when you are captive to your own memory.

What were your impressions of this psalm? Have you ever held on to a memory that maybe you shouldn’t have?

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for the freedom we have to worship you. I pray for your followers around the globe who are being held captive to worshiping you. May we not forget that you are in control, and our time here on earth is limited when compared to the eternity we can spend with you. Help me to focus on the joy that my salvation brings. Help me to not dwell on the negative. Shield me from the evil that surrounds me that I can stand strong as a warrior of faith. You are my God, and I will not forget you! Thank you for the peace that you bring to my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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