Matthew 8:1-4 – Our Little Secret

Read Matthew 8:1-4

We hear that after coming down from the mountain large crowds followed Jesus. Well of course they did. Jesus had just rocked their world and given people a deeper understanding of what they had known the “law” to be. There were probably a lot of “light bulb moments” for those listening on the mountain hillside that day. Word would spread fast about this man, Jesus, who had taught them with such authority.

We learn that in the business world leaders with authority do much better than those without it. What gives a leader authority? When we look at Jesus’ example, we see a man who took control of the situation. He wasn’t wishy-washy with his message. He spoke with boldness. He knew what he was talking about. Who better to know the law than the one who helped write it! With this authority, Jesus will attract a lot more people to himself. Including the leper.

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Matthew 7:24-29 – What Does Your Future Look Like?

Read Matthew 7:24-29

Jesus concludes his Sermon on the Mount with these words of wisdom. The people were amazed. We should be amazed, even if we’ve heard this time and again. The messages and truth that Jesus has shared with us over the last two chapters in Matthew’s gospel are golden. Jesus puts in a nutshell what his obedient followers should do. He’s made it clear.

Our future is up to us. Will we listen to Jesus and have a firm foundation on which to build our lives? Or will we return to life as we knew it, going through the motions, scraping by, not paying much attention to what Jesus has set out for us? The Holy Spirit is stirring inside us, will we pay attention?

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Matthew 7:15-23 – True or False?

Read Matthew 7:15-23

There is a lot to digest in this passage. There’s more to it than just good and bad fruit trees. On the surface, we may miss how serious Jesus’ warning to us is. This is because we don’t realize how it applies to us. After all, we don’t see a lot of prophets like John the Baptist or Isaiah running around these days. For this passage, think of a prophet as someone who speaks “in the name of the Lord.” A religious teacher or leader would fit the bill.

The church is supposed to be a safe place for us sheep. But Jesus tells us there will be teachers who disguise themselves as ravenous wolves to devour the sheep (us), or at least lead us astray. If we can’t trust our church leaders who can we trust? Jesus. We can trust Jesus.

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Matthew 7:13-14 – Find Life

Read Matthew 7:13-14

The narrow gate is an image that would have made a lot more sense to the people hearing Jesus’ words that day on the mountain. I remember teaching my Sunday School students about the life of a shepherd and the gate he prepared for his flock around a sheepfold. That’s the image I see here. A sheepfold is an enclosure for sheep, like a large corral. There is only one entrance, a narrow gate. The shepherd would oftentimes lay down as the gate himself to keep his sheep enclosed and safe.

Jesus says “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate.” We know that the only way to eternal life in God’s Kingdom is through our belief and trust in Jesus. So, Jesus is referring to himself as the narrow gate. He is the one keeping us safe. That’s a very reassuring picture. But it’s still a “narrow” gate. It may not be easy to find or navigate through.

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Matthew 7:12 – The Golden Rule

Read Matthew 7:12

What is your first memory of the Golden Rule? For me, it was Sunday School. I can remember being in the “upper room”, so that must have been like 4th grade. (Funny story — that room and several others were converted years later to an office that David had as a pastor!) Rules are important to give us direction and ability to set boundaries.

The Golden Rule, the granddaddy of all rules, is really great wisdom. But, how many of us actually think through it on a regular basis? “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.” What images come to mind for you? Do you picture yourself involved, giving a friend a surprise “just because”gift because that’s what you would like to receive? Or do you see others, as in a strange man walking an elderly woman across a busy street?

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