This passage has always made me smile. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Jesus’ intention to be fed when he stopped by Peter’s house. But it was a divine appointment. We aren’t told how long Peter’s mom had been bed-ridden. We aren’t told if Peter asked Jesus to come help. Peter would have witnessed Jesus healing people. Do you think he asked for his own mom’s healing?
Jesus didn’t have to be asked. He simply touched her hand. His healing touch was instantaneous. Being a good Jewish mother, she would have been on the ready to make her guests feel welcome. What better way than with food. Her illness was now a distant memory.
It was probably no secret how “special” this man Jesus was. And now he was at her house. She was probably overcome with gratitude that she was no longer feeling so horrible. This was her son’s friend. It had to be a lot to take in. She was feeling better, and it was time to say thank you.
Over the years, our kids have brought plenty of friends home to hang out. I always loved being a little creative when the kids asked at the last minute, “can my friend stay for dinner?” What do you say when you have 4 chicken breasts for 4 people, and now there are 6 or more? It was always a blessing to have a table full of hungry and happy family and friends. It is so rewarding to be able to serve in that way.
Jesus’ day of healing didn’t stop with Peter’s mom. It was just the beginning. That evening Jesus was a busy guy. But this was a fulfillment of what God’s word had said about Jesus. The prophet Isaiah said, “He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases.” Jesus is our hope for healing, too.
Are you struggling with an illness or infirmity? Have you asked Jesus to heal you? His timing is always perfect.
Let’s pray. Lord, I am struggling today with a situation out of my control. Help me to accept and make the best of this challenge. I have lots of friends and family who are struggling with physical issues. May your healing touch visit them as Jesus visited Peter’s mother that day. We know a single touch from you will bring healing. Thank you for how you are working in my life. Help me focus on that and not the frustrations I feel today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.