Matthew 11:20-24 – Harsh Judgment

Read Matthew 11:20-24

We may read Jesus’ rant here and be a bit surprised. But, we shouldn’t be surprised at Jesus’ words but by the unrepentant sinners of whom he is speaking. We might ask, how do you experience healing, even just as a witness, and not be changed? Or, how do you go back to business as usual after seeing a miracle from God? God is awesome, we should stand amazed!

Do we take our own faith for granted? Do we need constant reminders to keep us focused on God? How long will God be patient with us? It may be hard to picture Jesus with anger in his voice, but he was human. He was surprised at the lack of faith that followed his work. He came to draw people to himself. You would think the people who had seen his great miracles would be especially drawn in and want to know him more.

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Matthew 11:1-19 – Who Was John the Baptist?

Read Matthew 11:1-19


Jesus finished his instructions. Then what did he do? He went out, too. What a great teacher. Not only did he teach, but he also implemented. Talk about leading by example! It’s more than just using our words. It’s our actions, too. You’ve heard “actions speak louder than words,” right?

Beyond that, we can see Jesus as a great communicator. When John the Baptist’s followers asked him if he was the Messiah, Jesus could have just answered their question with a simple, “Yes.” But he gave them something to think about, to identify with, to remember happening. And then he tells them they’ll be blessed if they are not offended by him.

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Matthew 10:32-42 – People Will Be People

Read Matthew 10:32-42

People can be selfish and driven by materialistic desires. Jesus is challenging us here. If we deny him, he will deny us. On the flip side, and this is the side I’d rather be on, for those who publically acknowledge Jesus, he will acknowledge them. It sounds kind of like, “if you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours.” There is more to it than that.

As a follower of Christ, we know he is the only way to the Father. It isn’t by anything we can do or say. We are given the choice of being quiet or speaking out. I believe God will place opportunities in our path to act. We have all missed out on these divine appointments by choosing to be quiet. Don’t you wish you could go back and have a do-over sometimes?

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Matthew 10:21-31 – Beware of the World

Read Matthew 10:21-31

Jesus continues to paint the picture of what the disciples are going to find, witness, and experience on their journey. If we listen as if these words of instruction are for us, what stands out to you the most?

Were you confused and saddened by how families are portrayed? Did you recognize what it is like to be persecuted and have to flee? Did you appreciate the equality Jesus speaks of? The bottom line here is Jesus does not want us to be afraid of men. God sees all and nothing can be hidden. For those who stand firm to the end will be saved. There is a definite goal in store for staying the course.

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Matthew 10:1-20 – Go!

Read Matthew 10:1-20

I might have been shaking in my boots (or sandals). Jesus’ directions to his followers were thorough yet frightening. Why frightening? Because it was new territory for them. They had seen Jesus healing and teaching, and now he was kicking them out of the nest, so to speak. Jesus felt they were ready to take the Good News to the people of Israel. The lost ones.

Did they feel ready? Were they equipped? How would they know what to do? Sometimes we need to get pushed out of our comfort zone. It’s been said that great things never came from comfort zones. If we’re growing, we are most likely out of our comfort zone. If Jesus thought they were prepared, there should be no hesitancy. They will go. We should go, too.

Continue reading “Matthew 10:1-20 – Go!”

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