Matthew 12:38-45 – Don’t Refuse to Listen

Read Matthew 12:38-45

The Pharisees Question Jesus by J.J. Tissot

We have been teaching our clients lately about establishing authority. It’s important in business for potential customers to see you as an authority, that is, knowing what you’re talking about. Here, the Pharisees are doubting the authority of Jesus. How crazy is that?! Granted, we know who Jesus is because we have the Bible.

When people question your authority or know-how, they aren’t very likely to listen to you. Think how much the Pharisees missed out on because they were not able to see what was right before them. It is a bit puzzling how the leaders with the most knowledge couldn’t see Jesus for who he was. They knew what they were looking for and expecting. They had access to all the Scriptures. Prophecies of old were likely passed down from generation to generation. Yet, their radars must have been turned off. Did God do that on purpose?

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Matthew 12:22-37 – Who Is This Man?

Read Matthew 12:22-37

Didn’t you just want to scream, “Yes! You are right!” when the people began to contemplate whether Jesus was the Messiah? He was certainly causing a stir. I’ve often thought it would be cool to see a “where are they now” segment and reunite all the folks Jesus had healed and/or released from the bondage of demonic possession. We are never given a true number of how many people he cleansed. Whatever the number, they had to be living changed lives.

Jesus was visible and people were amazed by him. Are we amazed, too? After all, he is God, we shouldn’t be surprised at his abilities. Yet, when he came in flesh and blood, it was hard to look past the fact he was a regular man. He was human after all, just like them. These people were on to something, it was the Pharisees who were blind.

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Matthew 12:15-21 – Hope For the World

Read Matthew 12:15-21

Jesus knew that he was ruffling feathers. He was upsetting the status quo. In some cases, Jesus was making the Pharisees and religious leaders look ridiculous. Not on purpose, but because the truth reveals the darkness and hardened hearts. The people were oppressed by the government. There was fear. People were waiting for their promised Savior to come rescue them.

Then Jesus arrives on the scene. He had followers. He was healing people all over the place. He was proclaiming the Good News. It must have seemed too good to be true. But Jesus wasn’t the first to come along. Satan has used false prophets throughout history to throw people off, to lure them away from the truth. We can see evidence of that still today. We are still a people in need of a Savior.

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Matthew 12:1-14 – It’s the Sabbath

Read Matthew 12:1-14

What do you do on your Sabbath? I can’t say that I’ve never worked on a Sabbath. There are meals to prepare and shopping to be done. But I am definitely more intentional about spending quiet time with God. I rest my mind and soul as well to prepare for the week to come. David and I even have a “meeting” to discuss our goals and set priorities for the week. That activity alone brings me peace.

I’m not sure I could be as legalistic as the Pharisees. The disciples were hungry. Snapping off wheat while walking along is certainly not what I would consider “harvesting.” Sure, a few grains were gone, “harvested”, but it was to satisfy the human need of hunger. Didn’t you like Jesus’ response? He brought up the example of David and his men, eating the priest’s bread. That would certainly be a no-no, and yet he got away with it.

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Matthew 11:25-30 – Come Rest

Read Matthew 11:25-30

When we have a childlike faith, we can see more clearly. We don’t let the lies of the world get in our way. Interesting that Jesus would call it out right here in his prayer. If it pleased God then, it surely pleases him still today. When we can approach God as a child full of wonder with unlimited trust, we will see and understand more completely.

Think for a second about who you know best, besides yourself. Maybe it’s a parent, a child, or a spouse. You know the deep relationship you have with them. You know what they are thinking and feeling because there is a strong connection. Who better to know God than Jesus and visa versa. Jesus goes a bit further and tells us he will reveal God to those he chooses. Some of us are going to have the honor of having God revealed to us. What does that mean?

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