Matthew 13:1-23 – Good Soil

Read Matthew 13:1-23

As I write this, I am feeling a lot like a farmer. We are trying to grow grass in our yard, and we’ve pretty much started from scratch by killing everything and starting over. However, there are many large roots unseen to the human eye that are not dead, and they are producing more and more weeds. The enemy of the farmer = weeds.

Jesus uses this parable as his first to explain the Kingdom of God. Chapter 13 is often thought of as the parable chapter. Up to now, Jesus has mentioned the Kingdom of God but it is something new that needs to be explained. There is no better way to explain a new idea than with a story. We know that in marketing as well. Facts tell but stories sell. Jesus wants us to understand the promise for our future.

If you’ve read this passage before, it may seem like an old friend. Let’s take a fresh look today. Jesus is using this to help them and us. But he did say, “For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand.” We don’t want to be like “them,” do we?

Have you ever planted seeds? Maybe you were growing a flower garden or a vegetable garden. In our present-day example of trying to grow grass in our yard, I have seen all of these things happen. Birds especially are enamored with our grass seed (and it’s not even on the “footpath.” Some of our yard is more shallow because a swimming pool has been filled in. In Mexico, they use rock and debris to fill in big holes. It would only be the top inch or two that is actual dirt. So we have lots of shallow areas that our seed is taking root in.

So what exactly is happening to these seeds? Just as Jesus suggests. Not all seeds are going to make it. Think of the seed as the word of God, the truth he has shared with us about our lives, our forgiveness, his love, and the promise for our future. Why don’t these seeds sometimes work? Jesus quotes Isaiah’s prophecy as being fulfilled.

People aren’t ready. Maybe they are too busy, too distracted, too interested in their own agenda, or simply not interested. Others don’t understand what they are hearing for one reason or another. Satan loves to interfere with us and will try to keep us confused, busy and indifferent to Jesus’ promises.

To contrast, there are those of us who are ready. We are like “good soil” ready to produce a harvest. We yearn for and accept Jesus and his teachings. We have cleared away the debris and are prepared. Jesus said to his disciples, “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.”

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for how you are preparing me to receive you. I pray that you are going ahead of me to prepare the hearts of those I will encounter. Keep me be strong to defend against Satan. He is trying to attack and throw me off my path. Watch over my loved ones in this troubled world. May they see and accept your truths. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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