Mark 4:26-34 – Kingdom of God

Read Mark 4:26-34

The Kingdom of God. It’s something we’ve heard about, but do we understand it? If we apply what we know about kingdoms on earth, we aren’t going to begin to fathom the immensity. It’s a good start. Royalty. Crowns. Pomp and circumstance.

To help us understand, Jesus has given us a couple parables here. I’ve read them through several times, and I’m still a little fuzzy on what Jesus is telling us. Based on a previous reading in Mark, maybe I just need to listen more so that understanding will come.

What we should take away is that the Kingdom of God is a mystery. It grows independent of any human effort. We can’t be part of the kingdom by our actions. At harvest time, the farmer (God) will come and make his judgment over his crops (us). The harvest is a result of both gift and miracle, God’s work in us, not our work.

Do you feel God reigning in your heart? Are you growing in your relationship with God? It may be hard for us to see the growth, but God does. As we grow, we look around to help see that others are growing. We preach, teach, serve, and support each other. We should never stop growing or think we can’t grow any more.

We need to place our hope in the kingdom of God. The things of earth will pass away. What started from something small become something mighty. Three of the four gospels share the mustard seed parable. It is that important. Whether it becomes a shrub or a tree is irrelevant.

The kingdom of God is there to give us hope and encouragement. It is a refuge, a place for us all. While we may feel like our faith is small today, with nourishment and growth, we will grow into strong, fearless leaders and servants.

Let’s pray. Lord we thank you for these words that teach of your Kingdom. I thank you for the hope you promise. There is nothing I can do to earn the keys to your kingdom. I pray that you are preparing a place for me even now to be party of this sanctuary. Open the doors for me to teach and serve others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 4:21-25 – How Bright Are You?

Read Mark 4:21-25

This is a beautiful parable, so I chose to set it apart from the others. We don’t put a light under a bushel or bed for sure. At least I don’t. Perhaps a lamp shade, but that is only to protect our eyes from the direct light.

In other places in the Bible, this same parable (or one similar) goes on to say that we need to be like the light. We need to shine with the love of God pouring out of us. We are not supposed to hide our faith or who holds our allegiance. We are God’s children, and we need to shine! How bright are you shining?

Here in Mark, however, the parable takes a little different direction. The light reminds us that the truth that will be revealed. Things we try to hide from view, sinful behavior for example, will not be hidden forever. There will be no secrets. God knows our every move, he sees our hearts. There is no hiding from God. We should always keep that in the front of our minds. If we did, it would benefit our actions, our words, and our decision making.

Then Jesus adds here, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given and you will receive even more.”  That is some promise. I don’t know about you, but it really makes me want to be more attentive to the words of Jesus. I want to be listening for the voice of God. Listening is key. We need to be still and be listening.

Sometimes it’s hard to listen, isn’t it? There are so many voices that can clutter our minds. The noises and distractions that surround us are sometimes deafening. Silence is sometimes hard to find.

I feel sorry for those who don’t listen, whether by choice or by circumstance (they don’t know Jesus). Jesus says, “But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.” How tragic. We need to stay connected. We need to be listening. Our relationship with God and others depends on this.

I can do better at listening, how about you?

Let’s pray. Father God, forgive me when I forge on ahead of you. Help me to slow down and wait for you. Open my ears that I can hear, and open my heart so I can listen and obey. I thank you for the ability to write and share with others, and I pray that you will use my words to help others draw closer to you. Help us all to listen intently as we grow closer to you. Guide my path today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 4:1-20 – Harvest Time

Read Mark 4:1-20

In light of the time of year I am first writing this, it is very appropriate. My friends in the field are busy with harvesting the crops that they planted earlier in the season. The farmer in our parable today is God, and his seeds are producing another kind of crop.

Each time I hear a parable, even if I’ve heard it many times before, it takes on a new meaning and a new beauty. Teaching in parables is genius, and Jesus knew exactly what he is doing. Do you think all of the people understood? Probably not, but Jesus broke it down for those closest to him, and we have privy to that same revelation.

Jesus also clears up the matter I’ve been struggling with in previous posts about the teachers of the law. He reminds us that their actions fulfill prophecy (Isaiah 6:9-10). While I knew that in my heart, my head is happy to have the actual Bible reference.

So what about you – what type of soil are you? When the seeds are scattered, are you surface level, being choked by circumstances or fertile and open? As followers, I’m sure we all want to enthusiastically claim the latter. If truth be told, can’t we see ourselves in all of the examples? I sure can.

Satan lies in wait to swoop in if there is a chance that a new believer may be born. Satan will also use circumstances to cloud our minds and harden our hearts. Finally, Satan will dangle materialism and evoke worry so that the good things we hear (and try to practice) are crowded out by earthly desires. Good news–Satan’s power is limited by the blood of Jesus. We can stand firm and thwart Satan’s attempts to have us believe in lies.

We need Jesus to help. We are not strong enough on our own. That’s where the problem lies. We can’t combat Satan on our own. We may think we’re tough, but we are not. Satan’s grasp is tight, but Jesus’ loving embrace will loosen that grip. It’s all about Jesus. He will water our soul and nourish us so that we have no more hunger for the prizes Satan offers.

I am reminded of a saying, “you can’t take it with you,” when it comes to what we’ll return to Heaven with. We don’t have to pack, Jesus just wants us. He doesn’t care about our possessions, but he does care about our heart. How did we love, how did we share, how did we give? Those things keep the soil fertile and help produce a much larger crop.

Think about the soil of your heart right now. Are you ready for more Jesus?

Let’s pray. Father, you are so good and so timely with this message today. When the worries of the day crowd in and threatened I need to stand firm and call upon your name. It is your strength that I need to stay strong, to be ready for more of you. Please continue working in me to cultivate me to be able to reach more people in your name. Use our business as a means of touching those who might not otherwise have seen your love in action. May all I say and do this day be a reflection of your goodness and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Mark 3:20-35 – What About Demons?

Read Mark 3:20-35

So much can be said about demons and demonic powers. It’s all around us. What do you picture when you think of demons?

Evil. Having just experienced the worst shooting in U.S. history we don’t need to be reminded that evil is alive and well.

Many of you know that David and I moved to Mexico in our retirement. People thought we were crazy and worry that we are safe here. I actually feel safer here than I did when back visiting in the United States. In either case, I know the areas to avoid, and I avoid them. That doesn’t always keep us safe though, does it?

God did not make us to live under a rock or behind closed doors. He designed us to be in relationship with him and with others. He gave us this beautiful creation to enjoy. How are you living your life? Are you feeling that God is smiling down on you? Or are you living in fear?

There is some interesting dialogue in our readings today. What things  struck you or confused you? I was surprised that teachers of the law thought that Jesus was demon possessed. I suppose they thought he was the head honcho demon able to call out other demons. But that would be counter productive, in the demon world, that is. Evil succeeds when it is nourished by other evil and not called out.

Again, we see that the cloud of untruth is filling the leaders of the day. It’s hard to fathom, but it is what needed to happen to move Jesus toward his earthly goal.

The other conversation that always makes me wonder is in verses 33-35. This is Jesus talking,  “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” The people were telling him his relatives were waiting outside. Jesus goes on and says, “Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” 

This is really the great promise. So long as we are all doing the will of God, we are part of Jesus’ family. We are that close to our savior. We already knew we were his “friend” but to be his “blood”. Think about that for just a moment. You are sister, brother or mother to Jesus. How does that make you feel?

Let’s pray. Lord we know that your power is so great we cannot begin to fathom. You stand over evil and all that it stands for. In the wake of an evil act, we turn to you for peace and comfort. I often wonder why you allow evil in our world, Lord. I know it wasn’t your original plan for us. I long to live in your perfect will for me. I know that by doing that I am connected to you in a strong and mighty way. Thank you for watching  out for me and for giving me the fits you have given me. I pray that I will use them to the best of my ability, and all things I want to honor you, God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 3:7-19 – Who Are You Following?

Read Mark 3:7-19

I know it’s a little odd, but when I started reading today’s passages I pictured a business trend chart. Jesus’ popularity is soaring in these early chapters of Mark. He is getting quite the name for himself.

Have you ever wondered how the word got out? There was no internet. There were no newspapers or radio stations. We may just have to picture good old fashioned word of mouth sharing. And, a lot of it.

I suppose the spectacle of a healing would carry a lot excitement.  Think of how you feel today when you hear of a miraculous healing or other mighty act of God’s intervention. Sometimes, I admit, I get jealous wondering why I don’t see any of my own miracles or miracles around me.

It’s in those times that I reflect and realize I have had several mini-miracles that very day. It’s quite likely I’ve felt the spirit’s power or guidance in some task or decision. God is moving. God is with us, too.

What I find curious is why Jesus doesn’t want the truth about “who” he is to get out. I suppose because teachers of the law and other religious leaders are already starting to feel threatened, and he knows they are not prepared to understand who he is. They are the very ones that lead to his demise (however short it was).

Imagine the crowds of people. Even Jesus needed time apart from that. And then he called the twelve. He completed his tribe, his closest followers. Oh to have lived in the presence of Jesus while he lived on earth. Can you even imagine? That’s what 24/7 ministry looks like.

So what does your follow look like? Are you all in? Are you in when you have time? Are you not sure? Who is Jesus really? We’ll encounter him more and more over the days to come in this gospel text.

Let’s pray. Father God, I thank you that I can follow you openly and without fear. I pray for my brothers and sisters who do have to be careful in their worship of you. I thank you for all the miracles you are working in  my life and in those around me. I love to look for you in all things, even the small stuff. Thank you for ruling over all and creating all things to work together. I ask for peace and power moving ahead with the things in my life. I know together we will conquer this and be able to help so many people. Thank you for your provision. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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