Mark 4:35-41 – Are You in a Storm?

Read  Mark 4:35-41

This has to be one of my favorite stories of Jesus. It can speak to us on so many levels. What are we afraid of? Is it causing us to be in a frenzy on the outside (like the disciples in ours story) or only on the inside?

I will always remember sharing this passage with our children’s ministry kids on one particular summer Sunday. It is one of those perfect Bible stories that can be acted out. Kids have great imaginations and an ability to be creative, more so than adults usually. We had kids making weather sounds, and we had the disciples. It was hard to keep them “in” the boat they were acting so frantically. Now our boat was not that creative, it was just a big oval marked on the floor with masking tape. And we had Jesus. He was classic – not wanting to wake up, and when he did, he totally nailed the nonchalant “what are you afraid of” response. Priceless memories.

As we read this today, we are probably in the midst of one storm or another in our life. We were not promised smooth sailing in this life. We may have calmer waters during certain times, but the storms and challenges do come. How we respond in those times is what matters.

We often forget who is standing beside us (or sleeping in the boat). Jesus is with us 24/7 offering us the comfort we need, the wisdom we seek, the peace we are longing for. As Jesus said to the disciples, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” 

This was the “wake up call” that I needed today. How about you? It is always a good reminder to remember who is in charge and who can calm the storms of our life. Who should we be giving our lives to? What is consuming the most of our time? Is it work, is it worry, is it wishing something was different?

We all need to let go and let God take control of our storm. There is no sense worrying – think of Jesus’ words about faith. Like I said, this short passage can speak to us on so many levels. Will you let Jesus’ words calm your storm?

Let’s pray. Father, you know my struggles today. You know the concerns that are crippling me. Thank you for this reminder that you are bigger than any of my storms. Thank you that you are calming them at this very moment. Forgive me for my wavering faith in the midst of these storms. I want to stand strong and courageous for I know that you are with me. Thank you for loving me even when I’m looking the other way. Your way, Lord, is the best way, and I want to be walking with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 131 – Calm Yourself

Read Psalm 131

Short and sweet. I found a profound message here, and I hope you did, too.

Simplify. Calm your soul.

Those are both great messages for me today, how about you?

Do you struggle with trying to do too much? Maybe you’re juggling a full time job, lots of side projects, and oh yes, we’re supposed to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night? How do we fit it all in?

I’ve heard the lament from many friends and family members. We have so many options and alternatives available to us now. The internet has opened up a whole new avenue of ways to occupy our time.

Time. Quality time. It’s one of the five love languages made popular by Gary Chapman. If you’ve never taken the assessment, you can do so here. It can be eye opening in some ways. Be sure to have your friends, children and especially your significant other take the assessment, too. You may be loving them all wrong! Sorry for the bunny trail here. Back to our psalm.

How we spend our time is up to us. If we listen to  our psalmist, we will simplify. We’ll make the best use of our time. Keeping God in the forefront should ALWAYS be a priority. When we do, all other things seem to fall into place. If you’re struggling, take a step back and look, where is God in your time equation?

How do you calm your heart? Do you exercise, take a long walk or run, call up an old friend and talk, write in your journal? How about read your Bible? Setting aside a time each day to spend with God, shutting out the world, is probably the best way to calm your heart. You will need to be intentional. Make the time. This is one relationship you shouldn’t ignore.

There is more freedom in being in a relationship with God than you might imagine. It starts with you. He is there waiting for you. Enjoy him. Be refreshed by him. This is your special time, don’t short yourself.

Let’s pray. Thank you God for bringing me to this place. I long to have these quiet moments with you each day. Help me to shut out the noise of the world and my own busyness.  I want to focus on you, and you alone. Open my ears to hear your voice. Open my eyes to see what you want for me today. Bless all encounters I have with others. May your radiance in me be unmistakable. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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