Mark 6:14-28 – Be Careful What You Say

Read Mark 6:14-28

Have you heard this common saying, “be careful what you ask for”? In today’s reading, Herod was wishing he could take back the offer to his daughter. How was he to know that she would counsel with her mother and make such a request! To save face with his court, he had to follow through. Do you see a parallel to what happens at the end of Jesus’ life?

Ponder that for a moment.

Another thing we see here is a flashback. The reading starts out with Herod hearing of references about Jesus. He also concluded that Jesus must be John the Baptist raised from the dead. Up to this point in Mark’s gospel, we had only briefly, almost in passing, heard of John’s arrest back in Chapter 1. It was “later on” after Jesus’ own baptism, and right before Jesus went to preach. Here we learn that it was a “favor” for Herod’s wife. Now we step back and hear how the execution took place.

John had pointed out that Herod’s marriage to her was not lawful. This angered Herod’s wife,  Heroidias. What do you think Herod felt? Guilt? Have you ever felt guilt over something you did or didn’t do? Don’t hold on to that – ask for forgiveness and let it go!

John had been in shackles this whole time as Jesus was doing miracles and teaching about the area. Apparently, from the flashback, we learn that Herod and John had had conversations. Likely these preceded the imprisonment, and Herod, even though challenged by John’s words, respected John and wanted to protect him. Did Herod’s relationship with John move him closer to having a relationship with God, too?

Herod’s guilt was only magnified when he was “forced” to kill John. This was not what he had planned or expected. He was under fire to act. Have you ever been in the hot seat, forced to make a decision or take action? How did it feel? Did it turn out favorably? Isn’t it better to have time to counsel with those you respect and be sure of God’s will for you?

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you that you are always listening for my call. When a hard decision or situation presents itself, I have the assurance that you are there to help me figure it out. Protect me from evil desires and influences. Thank you that you give me the tools I need to stand firm for you. Watch over friends who are struggling now with the natural disasters that are filing the news: hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, floods. Protect them and give them hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 6:1-13 – How Do You Respond?

Read Mark 6:1-13

We’ve got two different scenes in today’s reading, so let’s look at both of them.

How many of you still live in your hometown? Do you have any hometown heros, that is, someone who left town to make it big? Not every town will birth a star athlete, movie star, political or religious figure. Today, when that happens the town is proud and attention is often brought to the town.

In the case of Jesus, it was not so. The people of his home town, “his” people did just the opposite. They couldn’t believe what Jesus was preaching. They didn’t trust his authority, after all he was just a carpenter’s son. It even says they were “offended”. Even Jesus was “amazed at their unbelief” despite the fact he knew that a prophet was often not recognized or honored in their home town.

It’s hard to say how we would respond because our culture today is so much different. If Jesus was our neighborhood kid and then went on to heal people and teach truths that only God would know, do you think that would cause us to pause and wonder? How many times have we seen evangelists on TV rousing crowds and doing miraculous things. What have we thought about them? Crazy, Bible-thumper, fanatic, over the top. We may have even questioned if they were “real” or just putting on a show. Do you think we are any different from Jesus’ neighbors?

Jesus and his disciples were not going to let the attitude of those people get them down. It was actually good for them to see this and experience the rejection. It was a bit of preparation for what Jesus was going to have them do next. Go out and spread the word. Much like he is calling us to do.

Here, Jesus said to go, taking nothing with. The disciples were equipped only with their faith and reliance on Jesus’ instructions. Do you think you’d be able to do that? It’s hard for us to take a weekend getaway without packing a bag, at least a toothbrush. I’ve tried to imagine just taking off on a mission to share the gospel. There is a tingle in my gut, and it quickly triggers my brain to say, “I don’t think I can do this” and one excuse after another sets in.

If this is you, read vv. 7-13 again. What am I missing? I can’t say Jesus hasn’t asked me, because in the Bible we are all called to make disciples. What about authority? We shouldn’t need Jesus to physically command us to do this – his word is clear. So why don’t we go? Maybe our mission is in our own town, or neighborhood. Maybe we don’t have to leave to carry out what we are called to do. Think about your mission and who you are called in impact.

Let’s pray. Lord thank you for giving me the authority to speak for you and to tell others about you and your love for them. Give me the courage I need to step outside my comfort zone and open my mouth. You have given me such wisdom and compassion, don’t let me keep it to myself. Work in my heart so that if you ask me to leave it all behind there will be no hesitation. I want to run to you and be all that you want me to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 5:21-43 – Are You Sleeping?

Read Mark 5:21-43

Walking with the disciples through Jesus’ life, watching the events unfold, is such a blessing. The Bible brings it all to life as we read these accounts so many years later. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve watched a number of Jesus movies over the years, or watched a video Bible series, but the stories seem more real to me than ever.

I like to be around people, but I don’t think you could say I’m a crowd person anymore. Jesus is encountering one crowd after another it seems, and we do know that he cherishes his time with his Father in prayer.

Today’s reading focuses on two very different people with two very different needs. What they have in common is faith. The woman’s faith was so strong, she believed that if only she could touch Jesus’ robe she would be healed. Imagine her drive and her focus. In this crowd, she had to find her way through the sea of people just to be near Jesus.

In her desperation she received healing. As Jesus put it, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” How do you think she was feeling as the sickness left her body? I can almost sense the peace myself as I imagine.

And then we have Jairus. He comes in search of Jesus as a distraught father wanting to see his daughter healed. As a parent, I know how hard it is when our children are sick. We feel helpless, powerless to make it better. Watching our children suffer is so hard, especially when they are very young and unable to tell us how they are feeling.

What anguish Jairus must have felt when his messengers arrived to say his daughter had died. Jesus didn’t let one second go by but intervened giving Jairus hope once again. The story comes to a climax when Jairus’ daughter comes to life. Jesus had said she was only asleep.

How many of us need to wake up? Are we asleep, missing out on the benefits of being a follower of Jesus? Do we need Jesus to intervene in us, to cleanse our hearts and minds to be open to his glorious future for us? Take a moment to close your eyes and picture Jesus coming to you in this moment, taking your hand, bringing you into an embrace.

Let’s pray. Lord thank you for your presence in my life. Thank you for the peace you give. When I am feeling lost and alone, you perk me up. I pray that I would have the faith of the woman in the story knowing without a doubt that every need I have will be handled by you. Forgive me when I try to do everything on my own power. I know I am so much more effective when your power is leading me. Guide my steps this day and be present in all conversations. May I shine with your glorious light. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 5:1-20 – Watch Out Pigs!

Read Mark 5:1-20

Jesus is at it again, talking with demons and casting them out. This story appears in both the gospels of Matthew and Luke as well, placed right after the account of Jesus calming the storm. Of interest is that in Matthew’s telling there are two men who meet Jesus, whereas Luke and Mark report only one. The accounts of Luke and Mark are very similar in every other way. Whether there were one or two men, the story and takeaways here are still the same.

This is another story that is very easy to imagine playing out. Mark does a good  job of setting the scene; I can almost picture the demon possessed man living amidst the graves.

Was there anything that struck you in today’s reading? I had two things actually. The first was again to marvel at how the demons know EXACTLY who Jesus is, the son of God. They fear him and know he has power over them. This is wisdom we should also possess, knowing Jesus is God, and he has power to dispel the evil from our hearts as well.

Do you fear being cleansed of your evil thoughts or sinfulness? Sad to say some people do fear being restored because they have lived so long with the pain they can’t imagine what life would be like without it.  It’s almost like they aren’t going to be happy unless they are unhappy. Does that make sense? Have you known people like that?

The other thing that struck me in the reading today is that Jesus gave the man permission to tell others what had happened. After other healing stories or miracles, Jesus has told them not to tell. I’m not sure what the significance here is. Perhaps it is because they are in Gentile territory (across from Galilee)?

There may also be something to the fact that Jesus chose to heal this man of his affliction. The man did not ask for healing, quite the contrary. Jesus will move when he sees the need and wants to use the situation. He sent this man on a mission to tell of the mercy God had shown. Others witnessing the event were only focused on the pigs demise and their fear of Jesus. They didn’t seem to care that their friend or countryman had been cured. This man’s testimony would set the record straight.

How are we giving our testimony to what Jesus has done for us? Do we keep silent?

Let’s pray. Lord I thank you for all that you are doing in my life. I am always amazed at the beautiful plans you have for me, so much better than the ones I had. Help me in setting goals that glorify you. Lord, I need your help to reach those goals. Fill me with the power that moved mountains. I want to make a difference in the lives of others. Show me the people to reach for you and prepare their hearts to hear and not fear. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 4:35-41 – Are You in a Storm?

Read  Mark 4:35-41

This has to be one of my favorite stories of Jesus. It can speak to us on so many levels. What are we afraid of? Is it causing us to be in a frenzy on the outside (like the disciples in ours story) or only on the inside?

I will always remember sharing this passage with our children’s ministry kids on one particular summer Sunday. It is one of those perfect Bible stories that can be acted out. Kids have great imaginations and an ability to be creative, more so than adults usually. We had kids making weather sounds, and we had the disciples. It was hard to keep them “in” the boat they were acting so frantically. Now our boat was not that creative, it was just a big oval marked on the floor with masking tape. And we had Jesus. He was classic – not wanting to wake up, and when he did, he totally nailed the nonchalant “what are you afraid of” response. Priceless memories.

As we read this today, we are probably in the midst of one storm or another in our life. We were not promised smooth sailing in this life. We may have calmer waters during certain times, but the storms and challenges do come. How we respond in those times is what matters.

We often forget who is standing beside us (or sleeping in the boat). Jesus is with us 24/7 offering us the comfort we need, the wisdom we seek, the peace we are longing for. As Jesus said to the disciples, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” 

This was the “wake up call” that I needed today. How about you? It is always a good reminder to remember who is in charge and who can calm the storms of our life. Who should we be giving our lives to? What is consuming the most of our time? Is it work, is it worry, is it wishing something was different?

We all need to let go and let God take control of our storm. There is no sense worrying – think of Jesus’ words about faith. Like I said, this short passage can speak to us on so many levels. Will you let Jesus’ words calm your storm?

Let’s pray. Father, you know my struggles today. You know the concerns that are crippling me. Thank you for this reminder that you are bigger than any of my storms. Thank you that you are calming them at this very moment. Forgive me for my wavering faith in the midst of these storms. I want to stand strong and courageous for I know that you are with me. Thank you for loving me even when I’m looking the other way. Your way, Lord, is the best way, and I want to be walking with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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