Luke 12:35-48 – Are You Ready?

Read Luke 12:35-48

For centuries, there have been forecasters, theologians, even common folk trying to figure out when Jesus will return. This is one of the passages that is often reviewed. I don’t know about you, but the line, “for the Son of Man will come when least expected,” tells me it will be hard to predict.

I don’t think God wants us to know. It’s like the analogy of the burglar. If you knew your house was going to be broken into, you would be ready for that! You would prepare with stronger locks, have a diligent watch underway, and maybe even the police on the line (or 911 on speed dial). God wants us to be prepared because we want to not because we have to or should.

The key message here is to be ready. Don’t assume you’ll get an email announcing Jesus’ return. There will be no social media event scheduled. When we least expect it, Jesus will return. I want to be one of the servants he rewards. Don’t you? Continue reading “Luke 12:35-48 – Are You Ready?”

Luke 12:13-34 – Rich Fools

Read Luke 12:13-34

Don’t you love being taught by Jesus every day? The wisdom he shares isn’t just for those people who lived two thousand years ago. It’s timeless. The issues that plagued the world then still exist today. Why? Because evil remains in the world. The final battle has yet to be fought.

We are in the trenches every day. We are surrounded by the enemy. We are lured into wanting this new gadget or that new and improved product. We look for top of the line, latest and greatest, out of this world kind of things. Jesus warns us about our greed. Trying not to judge, I see so many with affluence. Jesus clearly said, “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” Continue reading “Luke 12:13-34 – Rich Fools”

Luke 12:1-12 – Hypocrisy

Read Luke 12:1-12

Probably one of the biggest hurdles the church faces even today is the issue of hypocrisy. Think of your friends and neighbors who do not have a church home. Many of those folks have made that choice on purpose. There is a growing sense that we don’t need church so long as we have Jesus.

To not be surrounded by a church family can isolate you in your journey of faith. As you build your relationship with Jesus, it can be so much more rewarding to be in the company of other believers. There is a special bond. We are all part of the family of God, and the intimacy is hard to describe.  Continue reading “Luke 12:1-12 – Hypocrisy”

Luke 11:37-54 – What Sorrow Awaits

Read Luke 11:37-54

Oh my! What sorrow awaits is most certainly true! I think it’s an understatement to say that Jesus’ words “hurt” those religious leaders. Those words should have shaken them to the core of their beings. Yet, they did not understand. Woe to them.

Jesus totally called them out. I wonder if any meal was shared? Could it be that Jesus left with an empty stomach? That’s certainly not the issue here. He did give them their fill, however.

Do you have a bit of a Pharisee heart? You may need to read the passage again. Continue reading “Luke 11:37-54 – What Sorrow Awaits”

Luke 11:29-36 – Shine Your Light

Read Luke 11:29-36

Bring on the floodlights! I don’t know about you, but I want to shine with the light of Jesus. When people tell me I’m glowing, that is the greatest compliment! For us to truly shine, our hearts need to be in alignment with God and his will for us.

It is his light and love that fuels us and keeps us going. Like the energizer bunny has a battery, we have Jesus. But we need to be careful not to be distracted or drawn in by evil. As we know, the evil one is crafty and often tricks us into believing lies. Those lies may start as corners of darkness in our lives, but it can soon envelope the room of our hearts if we aren’t careful. Continue reading “Luke 11:29-36 – Shine Your Light”


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