Judges 15:1-20 – Too Much Pride

Read Judges 15:1-20

Samson was a little like a loose cannon, don’t you think? He had gone home to cool down after the wedding fiasco, but it appears he thought he was still married. Imagine his surprise when he found out his wife was no longer his wife. That surprise sparked more destruction of Philistine property. Samson said, “This time I cannot be blamed for everything I am going to do to you Philistines.”

Samson truly believed that he had proper justification to sacrifice those foxes and burn down the grain fields, the vineyards, and olive groves. All over a woman! His pride had been damaged after all. He needed to show who was in control. That did not end well for his wife or her father.

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Judges 14:1-20 – Use Your Gifts Wisely

Read Judges 14:1-20

hands holding a gift wrapped in gold paper with gold lace bow

Samson seems a bit spoiled. He saw the woman of his dreams and said to his parents, “I want to marry her. Get her for me.” I thought that was a bit demanding. Especially in light of the fact she was a Philistine, the enemy that was oppressing the Israelites. Didn’t he care? “His father and mother didn’t realize the Lord was at work in this, creating an opportunity to work against the Philistines, who ruled over Israel at that time.” There you have it, God was at work. Now, it all makes sense!

If you’ve ever wondered why you have a desire for something that doesn’t make sense, it could be that God is working inside you. Don’t take that as an opportunity to go eat a whole carton of ice cream in one sitting because of a “desire.” That’s not what I meant. This is a good reminder, however, that God will use unusual circumstances to do his work.

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Judges 13:1-25 – An Angel Visit

Read Judges 13:1-25

We have a new twist in our pattern of God’s rescue. We have an angelic visitation during the time the Israelites are being oppressed. Rather than raising up someone already alive, God is going to take a different approach this time. An angel appears to a woman who has been unable to have children and tells her she will have a child!

But there’s more! This child will not be just any child. The woman has been given strict instructions to keep herself pure from alcohol and forbidden foods even during her pregnancy. She was going to give birth to a son who will be dedicated as a Nazirite. “He will begin to rescue Israel from the Philistines.”

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Judge 12:8-15 – A Bit of a Lull

Read Judges 12:8-15

These short verses span the period of 18 years. We are also introduced to three new judges, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon. We don’t know much about these men. From the description we do have, it is very likely these men were wealthy due to the reference to many children and donkeys.

It seems like we’re in a holding pattern, and I don’t want to rush past this. It’s time to catch our breath and just relax a bit. After what happened with Jephthah, I feel like a time-out is in order. The Israelites deserved a time of peace to get on with their lives.

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Judges 12:1-7 – Family Feud

Read Judges 12:1-7

Talk about a roller coaster ride of emotions over the past couple readings. Jephthah has been run out of town, then sought after, used by God for an enormous victory, and then had to put his daughter to death as a result of his vow to the LORD. Now, his cousins from the tribe of Ephraim are giving him a hard time for something he didn’t do.

The Jephthah we had seen previously was all about negotiating. It seems he has lost his patience. After all that has happened to him, we can perhaps understand why. Israel had won a great battle. Instead of joy and celebration, there was pettiness and quarreling.

Continue reading “Judges 12:1-7 – Family Feud”

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