Read Genesis 2:4-25
Chapter 2 is almost like a second creation story with the focus on Adam, the first human. It can be a little confusing at first when you read about there being no one to cultivate the land when we just read in Chapter 1 that God created man and woman. This account gives a little more detail to the creation of man and what I love here is that God “breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.” Think of it. We are filled with the breath of God.
The term “ruach” which means breath, wind or spirit, is the term used here for breath. We are set apart in this way from the other animals who were given life, but not the spirit of God inside. How does it make you feel to know you have God’s breath in you? Our bodies truly are a living temple for God.
I got a little caught up on the whole geography lesson of the garden in this text trying to find it on a map. Of course, I’d heard of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. The other two were a mystery to me. As it turns out, I am not the first to be curious, and there is no real agreement on where the Garden of Eden may have been. But, the fact that two of the four rivers still exist was a pretty cool fact to me. Again, we need to be careful to never get so caught up in the “details” that we miss the message.
So what is God saying to you today through this creation story? For me, I am thankful for the degree to which we can make our own choices. In fact, I am feeling more and more inspired to be obedient lately. There have been too many times in my life I have made it through on my own, only to look back and realize I was never alone. God was always beside me. Did he let me take my own path? Yes, and sometimes my way wasn’t always the best choice. It’s when I stop and let God guide my path that I have had clarity and confidence in what I am doing.
I learned long ago that to force something to happen isn’t the best way. If it was God’s direction for me, there would be no force involved, it would be an open path, like the taking the yellow brick road. I need to remind myself daily (maybe hourly) who is in charge and to wait on God. I may want answers now, but God’s timing isn’t always the same as mine. His is perfect though.
God gave Adam great responsibility to care for the garden, just as he has given us responsibilities within our sphere of influence. Take a moment to reflect on the what responsibilities you have. Are you being a good steward?
Finally, God made the perfect companion for Adam, a woman. Even Adam seemed pretty excited by her. After seeing the other animals of the creation God paraded past him as his soul mate, none really fit for him. He exclaimed, “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh!” He would no longer be alone with all of the other animals. He had a workmate, a play mate, and a soul mate at last. God intends for us to each find that perfect fit for us. I have been blessed in this way and thank God every day.
Thank God today for all of the beauty in creation and ask him to help you with your responsibilities.
Let’s pray. Lord, I do thank you for the beauty that surrounds me. Each flowering bush, each creepy creature, the breeze, the birds chirping. Your creation is to be enjoyed and treasured. Help us as a society to take better care of what you have given us. I thank you, too, for the choices you have given me. I ask that you give me the wisdom I need to discern your will for my life. Help us find the perfect home you have waiting for us. Help our business to reach more and more people giving us the opportunity to share you and your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.