Genesis 8:1-22 – Persevere All

Read Genesis 8:1-22

As I read through this account today, I imagined how a small group of people on a boat with tons of animals could survive for a year! It had to be God. The logistics of this whole adventure seem a bit grueling, and I don’t want to spend much time speculating on all of the “details.”

We know that other traditions also have a great flood story, but ours is Biblical. God was making a move to fix what had gone wrong. His creation had disappointed him. The time had come to start over. The flood was not just some quirk of nature, but a means to an end. A plan devised by God, the creator. God had great intentions, and Noah was the one chosen to be in the right place at the right time. Continue reading “Genesis 8:1-22 – Persevere All”

Genesis 7:1-24 – Let the Rain Begin

Read Genesis 7:1-24

When all was ready, when Noah had followed all of God’s instructions down to the letter, God closed the door of the boat. The rain began to fall.  The cleansing of the world had begun. What an endeavor Noah had undertaken. Success with the help of God. We hear of no fight or questioning. Noah did as God instructed.

Are we are obedient like Noah? If asked by God to do something totally unfathomable, how would you respond? I’d like to think that I’d be ready and eager to do whatever God asked. I’m sure my doubts and self-limiting beliefs would come up at some point. But the more I think about this, the more I want God to use me. I’m open. For so many years I felt tied to a job or tied to some responsibility or another. Being a good wife and mother consumed my thoughts. My load is lessened considerably.  What about you? Continue reading “Genesis 7:1-24 – Let the Rain Begin”

Genesis 6:9-22 – Noah is Empowered

Read Genesis 6:9-22

The world was corrupt. All but one man. Noah walked “in close fellowship” with God. Have you ever wondered how that came to be? Was Noah an outcast because he didn’t fit in with the crowd? God sure trusted him. I’m guessing Noah didn’t care about fitting in. He knew what was right.

Imagine the conversation between God and Noah. First of all, to imagine a conversation with God in the first place is pretty awesome. Don’t we all long for a word from God, a direction for our lives. Here Noah and God had a conversation, albeit a very one-sided conversation where God did all the talking. Noah listened. Noah took notes. Noah was ready to obey. Noah did everything “exactly” as God had commanded. Continue reading “Genesis 6:9-22 – Noah is Empowered”

Genesis 6:1-8 – Oops!

Read Genesis 6:1-8

It’s a big “oops” and I’m sure the people didn’t even realize how the way they were living was frustrating their creator. Have you ever been in a hurry in a store only to come upon someone who is clueless, standing right in the middle of the aisle or walkway? They have no concept of time or space and your impatience makes it seem all the more like they left their brain at home. Well, that’s the kind of ignorance I feel these people had. They were going through the motions of life, more focused on the pleasures they could get rather than their creator and how they could serve him.

God’s frustration here is pretty clear. We know God doesn’t make mistakes, although here is questioning himself. Do you ever do that? Question yourself? Maybe it’s something simple like the outfit you chose for the day or what you’re making for dinner. But God is questioning himself and why he ever made these humans. That’s a pretty big deal.  Continue reading “Genesis 6:1-8 – Oops!”

Genesis 5:1-32 – How Old Were They?

Read Genesis 5:1-32

This passage has always been curious to me.  These guys sure lived long lives (in comparison to what we know today). Again, this detail might stop some people from paying attention and lose the intention of this reading. The art of storytelling is to convey what happened in a meaningful way. Obviously, between Adam and Noah, there were many generations, and to bridge the gap we needed a chapter like this. We can imagine that life continued with people working the land, tending to the animals, and making music.

Don’t let time get you stuck. Maybe people were living for a long time because the earth was new and the foods were so healthy. We know that food today, even food that is grown and harvested has been genetically altered to look prettier, last longer, give more harvest, etc. Through all this “adjustment”, the nutrients have really taken a hit. It’s not a secret, but people aren’t talking about it much. We wonder why we are all feeling so crummy. Our bodies aren’t getting the nutrition we require. I digress, but again, don’t let the detail of time hold you back from seeing some of the cool stuff in this chapter. God was trying to populate the earth, after all, longer lives may have been exactly what was needed. Continue reading “Genesis 5:1-32 – How Old Were They?”


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