2 Samuel 1:17-27 – Take Time to Grieve

Read 2 Samuel 1:17-27

diagram of a cloud filled with words like loss, despair, sadness, grief, pain that is raining down blue droplets of all sizes

David is a very talented musician. We might forget that piece of his character with all the fighting and displays of his military might. David was quite an individual. We all have different ways of mourning our losses, and in this case, David turns to song.

David was progressing through the stages of grief identified by the Kübler-Ross model. The five stages of grief are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Other models would add guilt. People move through these emotions in different ways. I think David used this song as he worked through these stages.

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2 Samuel 1:1-16 – After Saul

Read 2 Samuel 1:1-16

As we open up Samuel’s second book, we are now entering the time after Saul. Saul’s death was a turning point in God’s story. It is the time we have been waiting for. God has already anointed David to be the next king, now it’s time for the transition to begin.

It was interesting that the messenger who found David was an Amalekite. David and his men had just decimated the Amalekites to retrieve their wives, families, and possessions. This messenger was also claiming to be Saul’s killer. Did he have no decency?

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1 Samuel 31:1-13 – Meanwhile …

Read 1 Samuel 31:1-13

Close up of an eye with a reflection of 3 crosses in the iris

The text doesn’t start with “Meanwhile,” but that’s the feeling I get. A couple readings ago we learned of Samuel’s prophecy from the grave to Saul predicting these events. We also know that David was dismissed by the Philistine king from duty to participate in this battle. That’s why David left to fight his own battle to regain his loved ones and belongings.

As I see it, while David was fighting that battle, the Israelites were falling to defeat. Saul and his sons lost their lives in this battle. This puts closure on Saul’s reign and gives us a bit of relief. We knew this day was coming. It was just a matter of time.

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1 Samuel 30:21-31 – Sharing

Read 1 Samuel 30:21-31

cupped hands with a flowering plant handing them to another set of cupped hands sharing

I had forgotten that David’s army that won back their loved ones and possessions in our last reading was only a partial army. David didn’t forget. The 200 men who had stayed behind, even in their weariness, were likely thrilled to be reunited with their loved ones. I can just imagine the gratitude they felt towards David and the others.

But cries of injustice were heard as the men who did fight felt it was unfair to share their great bounty with those who had not fought for it. I loved how David responded to them. “Don’t be selfish with what the Lord has given us.”

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1 Samuel 30:1-20 – Worst Nightmare

Read 1 Samuel 30:1-20

A closeup of a pile of ash and burnt up wood

David and his men faced their worst nightmare when they arrived home and found a burned-out village and that their wives and children were gone. Thankfully, they didn’t come home to dead bodies, too. There was hope they were alive.

David’s men were furious and blamed David for this misfortune. It was time for David to turn to God rather than try and take matters into his own hands. He called for the ephod from the priest so he could be sure the word was truly from God. And God said, “Go!”

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