2 Kings 2:19-25 🤷‍♂️ What Am I Missing?

Read 2 Kings 2:19-25

brown bear

Elisha now has his first opportunity to show God’s power in helping the people. There are two very different stories shared in our reading today. The second left me uneasy and wanting to know more. I’m so blessed to have a Bible scholar for a husband. He has spent a lot of time helping me understand the original Hebrew as well as what may have been happening with the bear incident.

Sometimes when we read our Bibles something will stand out and leave us questioning what just happened. That was my experience today. My mission is to help people connect with God through his word, and texts like this can often scare people away.

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2 Kings 2:1-18 đź’Ą Taken Away!

Read 2 Kings 2:1-18

swirls of flames

Albeit an abrupt transition, this account of Elijah’s last moments is quite something. Did you get the impression that we “should have known” such an event was coming? So many surprises and evidence of God’s hand at work. Elijah didn’t die but was whisked away by a fiery chariot from heaven. What do you make of this development? I’m not sure what to think but know that God had it all worked out.

What do we see in this passage? I’ve already hinted at the fact Elijah wasn’t speaking publicly about what was going to happen. But the other prophets sure seemed to know. They apparently had the inside track with God. It didn’t seem to matter where Elijah and Elisha went, the news was already there. Interesting that Elisha wanted to keep it “hush-hush.” Why do you think that was? Was he trying to protect Elijah and keep this as a private, intimate moment with God? Was he secretly hoping Elijah wouldn’t be taken?

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2 Kings 1:1-18 đź”° Not Always Popular

Read 2 Kings 1:1-18

Man  unafraid of opening his mouth wide while taking a selfie of himself

The Book of 2 Kings will continue to show wicked rulers, widespread idolatry, and God’s people seemingly looking the other way.  We’ll also see how those people were sliding down a slippery slope. I’ve heard it described as a society’s river current, flowing fast and furious, pulling downward everything in its path. God calls us to swim against the flow. It might not always be popular, but we can be sure God’s way is the way to trust.

Our reading today begins with a very unpopular message being sent to the king of Israel from the prophet, Elijah. You’ll notice Elijah sent the message because God said to, not because he was asked for a word from God. God was angered by the fact Israel’s king wasn’t seeking God’s answer but that of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron. Despite the unpopular nature of Elijah’s message, he shared it anyway.

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1 Kings 22:29-53 – We Can’t Hide From God

Read 1 Kings 22:29-53

A broken mask with a big blue eye looking out

I thought it was fitting that Ahab would think that he could disguise himself and be safe. I suppose if his biggest fear was the enemy troops, then he had a chance. But Ahab couldn’t conceal himself from God. God had all along been angry with Ahab. Despite Ahab’s attempts to repent, his heart was still clearly playing for the opposing team.

How fitting that a “random” arrow hit the disguised king just perfectly between the armor protection. Ahab could not escape God’s judgment. Sadly, his son will follow in his footsteps for a short two-year reign.

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1 Kings 22:1-28 – What Does the Lord Say?

Read 1 Kings 22:1-28

girl praying

United again, we see the kings of Israel and Judah coming together for a common goal. The king of Israel needed some help in recapturing a town and asked the king of Judah to help. Jehoshaphat was happy to assist, but before he fully committed, I liked how he said, “But first let’s find out what the LORD says.”

That should be our “knee-jerk reaction” as well when facing a new task or undertaking. How often do we stop and take time to ask God? If we ask, do we wait for a response or just push forward? God’s timing isn’t always the same as ours. We hope for a quick and clear response. It doesn’t always happen that way.

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