Albeit an abrupt transition, this account of Elijah’s last moments is quite something. Did you get the impression that we “should have known” such an event was coming? So many surprises and evidence of God’s hand at work. Elijah didn’t die but was whisked away by a fiery chariot from heaven. What do you make of this development? I’m not sure what to think but know that God had it all worked out.
What do we see in this passage? I’ve already hinted at the fact Elijah wasn’t speaking publicly about what was going to happen. But the other prophets sure seemed to know. They apparently had the inside track with God. It didn’t seem to matter where Elijah and Elisha went, the news was already there. Interesting that Elisha wanted to keep it “hush-hush.” Why do you think that was? Was he trying to protect Elijah and keep this as a private, intimate moment with God? Was he secretly hoping Elijah wouldn’t be taken?
To the end, Elijah was a great example of faithfulness. He followed God’s instructions to go to Bethel, Jericho, and then the Jordan River. I’ve heard some say he may have been visiting the other prophets one last time to give his farewell message and blessing. Curious that he told Elisha to stay behind each time!
Elijah knew God would help them cross the Jordan by using his cloak, much like Moses used his rod to cross the Red Sea. God gave those items his power to split the waters in two. Elijah was also careful not to give Elisha false hope of becoming his successor. That assignment came only from God. Elisha would be waiting with expectation while soaking up every moment he could with Elijah.
I was impressed that Elisha was not afraid to ask to be Elijah’s successor. God must have seen his heart was pure, wanting only to serve and speak for God. I must admit that it’s an amazing privilege to be chosen to be God’s messenger! God knew Elisha didn’t have selfish motives of becoming great and well-respected by the other prophets. Elisha’s boldness and persistence certainly paid off. His example can give us the courage to ask God for the big stuff. We just need to make sure our intentions are pure and not self-serving.
Take some time today to reflect on what this passage says to you.

Let’s pray …
Lord, draw me close to you so that I can feel your presence. I long to be as focused and faithful as Elijah. I thank you for the mission you have given me. Open my eyes so that I can see how you are working in my life and give you the glory. Thank you for how you protect and guide me each and every day. May I be refreshed today in my walk with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.