Read Numbers 10:1-10
If you ever wondered how Moses managed to get everyone’s attention when he had a word from the LORD, now we know. Trumpets. The priests were to blow the trumpets in some fashion, depending on the message. I have to admit visions of Captain Van Trapp and his whistle in the opening scenes of “The Sound of Music” come to mind in terms of the effectiveness of that type of signal communication.
Priests had been trusted with many things in the law. Here we have yet another task to manage—the trumpet blowing. God was serious about this task because he made it permanent. I wonder if the people ever imagined the trumpets as the voice of God. Certainly, when they sounded it meant something was happening, and it was time to respond to God’s message.
Beyond their use in the wilderness, later trumpets would still have a place in battle. Imagine it being as if they asked God to be the leading the way in battle. By sounding the trumpets, “the LORD your God will remember you and rescue you from your enemies.” That would certainly be helpful assurance going into battle.
We may not be priests called to blow trumpets, but we can still call on God and claim his victory in the challenges of life. It’s reality that the enemy is always on the prowl to attack us and distract us from what’s important.
God’s intention was also to use the trumpets as a joyful response when things are going good. God doesn’t want to hear from us only when we need him. He wants to share with him our wins and victories just as much. As trumpets would notify everyone of the joyous occasion, our grateful praise can and should be shared with others. Personally, I love telling other people how awesome God is and how he is working in my life, in all our lives.
If there was any doubt why God was decreeing the use of trumpets, he said clearly, “the trumpets will remind your God of his covenant with you. I am the LORD your God.” Does that mean God needs reminding? As Lord of all, God would be extremely busy. Somehow I think it more like the trumpets alerts God that we’re giving credit where credit is due. We’re calling out God’s victory in our lives, something worth celebrating.
Before the people could obey, they would have to hear the trumpet. What is it in your life right now that you need to hear? Are you waiting for some message from God first before you move forward? Psalm 119:105 says it beautifully. “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Thinking about God’s message as this “word” is powerful. We do want the LORD to be our leader, our God.
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for being the light in my life. May my devotion for you stand strong and secure despite any circumstance of life where I may get stuck. May I carry your message of love into the world. Help me not to shy away from my enemies but to be bold and genuine in my love for them, too. May everything I say and do be honoring to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.