Psalm 79 – Have Mercy

Read Psalm 79

Thanks for stopping by today for a little time to BE STILL in God’s presence! I thought I’d try something a little different. Before getting into the devotional section, having just read this Psalm, pick the verse that really spoke to your heart today and share it in the comments below. If you feel moved to elaborate, great, otherwise, jot down a number. Mine for today is 13.

This psalm appears to have been written some time after the Babylonians flattened Jerusalem. While that is a striking and pivotal time in history, we can imagine how forlorn any survivors would be feeling, and if those survivors were followers, how abandoned they would feel. Perhaps even embarrassed or humbled that it was their own sin that kept God from rescuing them. Was that it?

Surely it’s easy to plea with God for mercy and salvation, and then hope that his wrath is redirected, perhaps to those unbelievers. That’s what the psalmist seems to be doing here. Crying out, “Bless us God, trample them now!”

How about for us today? Don’t we often have a similar prayer? We want our own way, possibly at the expense of others. Don’t we sometimes want rescue from God or wonder why something that seems unfair is “allowed” to happen? It can be easy to see God as vengeful and angry when we read Old Testament texts, yet he is still the same loving God that provides for his people, i.e. sending manna and birds, and don’t forget power, forgiveness, he gave us Jesus!

It’s easy to blame others for our struggles. Perhaps it’s even easier to blame God when we feel abandoned or cheated in some way. Yet how untrue this is! Our actions have consequences, good and bad. God is not a puppet master, he allows us, his children, the freedom to be. Yes, he created us and has desires for us, but it is up to us to be who we are. When who we are aligns with his perfect will for us, there is harmony, peace and joy. That’s success!

We can take this passage and make it our plea, too. But there is a key here, no matter what we struggle with, we must also praise and revere God for his provision and love. Despite any hardship (crumbling temple and all), God is with us. What is your crumbling temple today?

Let’s pray. Father, forgive me when I am like the psalmist and question you or wish you would punish others and not me. Thank you for the corrections you have made in my life and for the strength to endure. Forgive me for straying from your will for the course of my life, and I pray for your guidance to successfully get back on track. I feel joy and peace when I think of where I am today and where I am going. I pray that you will be glorified in all I say and do. Open the doors you want me to walk through. In you alone I put my trust. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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