Psalm 80 – Turn Back

Read Psalm 80

There is a repeating phrase, lament and plea, asking God to turn us back to Him, to shine on us, to save us. There seems to be an understanding that God has abandoned, but also an acknowledgement that he has been a source of provision in the past. The psalmist is repenting for his sins, and/or the sins of the people. To repent, is to turn back to God.

Sometimes, it is helpful to cultivate the awe of God’s greatness before getting on our knees with repentant hearts. We must empty ourselves of things that blind us, that cripple us or otherwise separate us from God. We are never left behind, truly, as God promises to never leave us or forsake us. Yet, we may be the ones to walk away. Silly us.

We should be thankful for the assurance that NOTHING can separate u s from God’s love. Has your hour of desperation come? Have you ever had the feeling you have been left behind? It is all too common that we can feel, like the psalmist, that God has left us, and in those times we beg for his return. We want God when the going gets rough, yet he’s been there all along.

So what can we do? I like the picture of getting on our knees and emptying our hearts of all doubt, of all conflict, of all troubles, of our stress, whatever may be crowding our head. We need to be totally focused on God and his great power, protection and provision. Then, we need to respond with PRAISE!

Let’s pray. I thank you Lord for your promise to never leave me. I am truly sorry and repent for the times I have tried to do it myself and gotten lost. I long to rest in you with all distractions aside. I am sitting at your feet, with my head in your hands. Thank you for the peace that is washing over me. You are mine, and I am yours. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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