Psalm 78 – Rebel or Rescue?

Read Psalm 78

Here we have a fine retelling of God’s great rescue and his people’s repeated rejection in the wilderness. Do you get frustrated with the followers here like I do? These are our ancestors, too, as a daughter of the King of Kings, the King who died for me. These were his people and therefore my people. I can never understand how they could be so blind.

Do you see yourself in this reading? We all should. What troubles me the most is that the evidence was clear, there was no room for doubt. All of the provision was from God, not because of something wonderful these people had done. Yet what did they do? They continued to want more, continued to be ungrateful for all of their blessings. They ignored the loving, giving God who had rescued them from Egypt. They were stubborn and self-centered; they were blind. Wait! Doesn’t that sound like our society today?

The same God of this retelling is our God, and is he still here caring for his people despite our rebellion. I don’t think we can point fingers at the wanderers in the wilderness and still be able to look in the mirror and be blameless. How are you rebelling against God? What actions or inactions are you guilty of that keep you separated from God? Are you wanting more and more to be blessed by God or do you have a grateful heart? Are you trying to do things your own way without God’s help or direction?

Take some time to think through your own rebellion. You’re not blameless. Ask God to reveal to you your tantrum, your doubt, your selfish heart.

We need to be ready to clear our hearts from the doubts and self love. We need to take on the heart of a servant and forget the “me-first” attitudes that have gotten us here. We need to find our way in this world, but it needs to be God’s way for us to succeed. We need to be a thankful people, giving God the glory for all of our success and asking for his help in all of our struggles. He has not abandoned us, he is standing by, patiently, waiting for our hearts to soften to accept what he has to offer. Just like those wandering in the wilderness, rebelling and not accepting God’s perfect gifts.

Let’s pray. Lord forgive me for I have sinned and fallen in step with others who deny you. Please forgive me for my idleness. Lord empty me of me and my selfish desires so that I will be an open vessel ready to let you in. I want to focus on you and you alone. Lead me in your ways. I am so thankful for all of the blessings you have given me and continue to shower on me. May I live a life of gratitude so that others can see you in me. Shine through me.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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