In the words of Paul, “May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace” as you read through and reflect on the book of Second Corinthians. These opening verses are so comforting. We can be assured that God is working on our behalf to bring comfort and rescue when we need his protection. What are we called here to do in response?
Be on guard to help others. That’s our mission. Have you seen the movie “Pay It Forward” that was released in 2000? It was a quirky American film where a 7th grade boy’s Social Studies teacher made an assignment to make the world a better place. They way the kids would accomplish this is by a series of good deeds. If you were the recipient of a good deed, it was then your responsibility to pass along a good deed to someone else. I see a little of that here in these verses.
Think of a time when you comforted in a time of loneliness, sorrow, any trouble will do. That comfort originated from God, whether you felt a peace, had a friend spend time with you, or experienced the heaviness of the struggle just vanish without an explanation. God was there. When we see others who are struggling, we are encouraged by this text to reach out with the same comfort we have received and share it with others.
I can hear some objections or at least some concerns with this whole assignment. “I’m too busy.” “People tend to keep their troubles to themselves these days.” “I don’t feel capable of helping another person.” God was never too busy for us. He never let excuses keep him from helping us when we needed it. He is relying on us to be his hands and feet.
Have you ever felt “crushed and overwhelmed” by something in your life? If you’re like me, you started to head down the road toward the pity party. It’s sadly a normal reaction. But what does Paul counsel us to do? Stop relying on our own strength and rely on God’s power, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Wouldn’t you agree that God’s power truly trumps any power we may be trying to muster on our own.
I love Paul’s words here, “We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us.” Why is it so hard to trust others, particularly God, for our safety and rescue? Take some time to wrestle with that today. Then reread the first 11 verses of this Chapter.

Let’s pray … Father God, thank you for how you have rescued me time and again from harm. I’m sure there are times I am not even aware. Create in me the desire to be a comfort to others, loving them like you do. Help me step out of my own way and stop focusing on my own needs and struggles all the time. All praise goes to you God, Father of our Savior Jesus Christ. In His name I pray, Amen.