Proverbs 31:10-31 – Is it Super Woman or Wonder Woman?

Read Proverbs 31:10-31

I have always loved this passage. It empowers women, yet we can feel treasured all at the same time. I remember the first time I read it. I wasn’t feeling particularly glamorous or smart. My energy was low, and I doubted every move I made. I was recovering from a broken marriage, and the scars of abuse were still raging red. I felt as if God’s message here was for just for me. It was encouraging. It was a healing moment. Could I ever be that woman?

I hope you haven’t gone through something horrific like that, and whether you are a woman or man, these verses should speak to you. There is such beauty in the images that come to mind. The style of writing and depth of meaning seem totally out of character with what we have been reading in the rest of the book of Proverbs. Yet this is wisdom, pure gold. That much is the same. How are you relating to yourself or to the women in your life?

Time. This woman seems to have mastered it. We all want to be productive in our lives and see the fruits of our labor. No matter what season of life you may be in (a Spring–or a late Summer like me), we all want to make each moment count, don’t we? For once a moment is gone, it is gone forever. Time is precious. We should be treasuring each encounter, each revelation, each trial, each success, each blessing. How do we do that?

We can start by honoring ourselves and those we love. What is that one thing that lights you up? What is it that you absolutely love to do and wish you could never stop? Don’t just read past this. Think about it for a second. Do you have something in mind? For me, it’s playing the piano. I can get lost for hours if I let myself. Why don’t I, just once? Time. There is never enough time to do all that we want.

But what if we become like Super Woman or is it Wonder Woman? That’s who the woman in our passage today must be. She is self-less spending her days on a mission for others. Oh, what she can accomplish! What are the some of the words you would use to describe this woman? Caring. Intuitive. Creative. Nurturing. Industrious. Humble. Strong. Wise. The list could go on and on.

Even more important, look at verse 30 which reads, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” Charm and beauty are not what is important. But fearing the Lord, that the key. There is great reward in that. It seems our time is rewarded when we are working for the Lord.

What does that look like for you (whether you’re a man or woman)? How are you working to make the world a better place? We each have our own little corner of God’s creation. That’s what we are responsible for. How can you do something today to make an impact on those around you? We can use our “Wonder Woman” from Chapter 31 as a model. Do we serve the poor, our families, our spouse? How are we caring for ourselves and making ourselves the best we can be? Do we have strength and dignity to face whatever comes our way? Call upon that energy and be strong!

Let’s pray … Lord, God. Thank you for the reminder that we are blessed to be your children. You want only the best for us. May each day that you give us bring opportunities to serve you, worship you, and be on fire for you. When our hearts are energized in that way, we can move mountains. Refresh me, God. Renew my heart. Restore my energy to be a light for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

7 thoughts on “Proverbs 31:10-31 – Is it Super Woman or Wonder Woman?”

  1. Hi Dana, thank you for a great reminder on this. I look back at my life and am so thankful for all the powerful and influential women in my life- – particularly my grandmother. She is going 100 this year (and is already 100 if we follow the chinese calendar) and a stalwart soul who throughout her life has been a beacon for God – as a nurse, as a wife, a pastor and even now has been praying for me and my family daily without fail. Her favourite message whenever we speak is “My eyes cannot see now but God has still blessed me with a clarity of mind and a voice – and that is what I will use daily until the Lord takes me home”. She truly embodies this Super and Wonder Woman that you are talking about here. Once again, thank you for a great reminder. 

    1. Thanks for sharing about your grandmother, Steve. She sounds like a fantastic lady! The world needs more prayer warriors and women (and men) of vision like her! Blessings to you!

  2. Hi Dana, I didn’t have a broken marriage I had a dead husband. Going through widowhood is anybody’s night and day mare. I’ve been a widow for 14 years and through the years I have drawn strength from bible passages especially this one in proverbs 31. The woman described here is definitely one to emulate. 

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