Paul has a relationship with the people in Corinth. I understand this is actually Paul’s fourth letter to them, but two of his letters have been lost. We can tell from these opening words that Paul cares deeply for his friends in Corinth. He wants to help them in their understanding whether it’s immediate or a realization in the future. Paul is reminding the Corinthians of their history and his planned visits. There is likely a lot going on for this young church and they are crying for Paul’s help.
Paul’s letting them know his plans have actually changed. He had wanted his visit to be joyful, yet he feared that with all the growing pains they were experiencing his visit would be more of rebuke and correction. Has that happened to you? You have been planning something for days, maybe weeks, and then some unforeseen event comes along and changes everything. It is important to plan and have goals and dreams. But we also need to be prepared for Plan B.
When we agree to some plan, we have said “yes” to that plan. We have made a commitment. Have you ever said “yes” to something when you actually meant “no?” I’m sure I have but I can’t think of an example just now. Why do we do that? Is it to make someone else happy because we think that is what is expected? Being a people pleaser, I’m sure that’s my reason. Other people flip flop back and forth unable to make a decision. Some people are influenced by what’s the “best” option and sometimes back out at the last minute because a “better” offer came along.
Paul goes on to give us the best example of all. Jesus. He doesn’t waver back and forth. If he says something is true, it is true. If he says he is going to do something, it’s done. We can count on him. He is the real deal. All of God’s promises are fulfilled in Jesus. We can trust Jesus even when we have a hard time trusting each other.
Paul offers his encouragement to those in Corinth as well as to us. He says, “It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us.” If we are feeling weak, unsure, lost, or alone, all we need to do is remember this verse. God enables us. Think of this as being empowered by God. I know the term “enable” has gotten a bad rap lately in terms of how we “allow” bad behavior in our loved ones when we should be helping them make better choices. In this case, however, we need God to “enable” us or empower us to do the right thing.
God has placed the Holy Spirit inside us, like a homing beacon, so that we can stand firm for Christ. God’s promises are true, and the Holy Spirit living inside us is just the first “installment” of the beautiful gifts God has in store for us. The Holy Spirit will not only give us the power we need to face our fears and struggles, it will give us the wisdom and discernment to understand all of God’s desires for us.
Take some time today to just be quiet in God’s presence. How do you respond to him and his mission for your life? Knowing he is there, living inside you, are you ready to say, “Absolutely, yes, God! Let’s do this!”

Let’s pray … Lord, when I feel weak, help me to feel strong. Help me to remember that you are living inside me giving me all that I need for each day. I don’t have to rely on my own strength because yours is so much better. Thank you for how your promises were fulfilled in Christ. May I honor you in all I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.