Saul just lost another of his children to the David camp (so to speak)! What do we make of Saul’s obsession? Can you in any way relate to how preoccupied Saul is with planning for David’s demise? I love to plan things as much as the next guy, but usually for things that benefit others or are for enjoyment of some kind. I can go overboard sometimes in the planning. I get being OVERLY focused on something.
This tormenting spirit hounding Saul isn’t helping. I’ve been thinking about how God is either sending this spirit, because verse 10 refers to “a tormenting spirit from God,” or God is allowing the spirit to create chaos within Saul. Once a respected king, Saul is becoming a bit of a spectacle.
Saul’s daughter, Michal loves David with all her heart. David seemed either oblivious or carefree about Saul’s apparent hatred and death wish for David. It was Saul’s own daughter who facilitated David’s escape to safety out the window.
It started with the ruse, the deception that is. Michal was protecting the love of her life while at the same time lamenting that her own father would be so foolish. What do you think her motivation was to lie about the illness and how the escape happened?
Was she trying to “save face” for her father and show him respect? Imagine how it would add to Saul’s discontent to know it was his own daughter who orchestrated the whole thing.
Did Michal think about the consequence of her story should David be found? Wouldn’t Saul’s anger be inflamed because of a threat on his daughter which precipitated the escape? What we see is deception, not God’s work.
No mention of God at least. But the mere fact that David is in the story, shows God is in the story. Why? Because the LORD was with David. We’ve seen it all along. Just like we have the Holy Spirit with us today. We’ve got our forever friend with us at all times!
Deception. It’s not what God intends for us. Honesty. Integrity. Trust. Those are all much better choices for God’s aspirations for our lives. Yet we will be deceived. We can pretty much accept that fact. But what we can rely on and ask for is the Spirit’s wisdom to guide and protect us from that deception. Pretty nice, huh?

Let’s pray …
Lord, you are an amazing God full of so much grace and truth. I relish the times I can spend in your word. I love how you speak to my heart through the stories of those who have gone before me. For these new messages each day to encourage and empower me, I am beyond grateful. Thank you for how you rescue and protect me. Give me discernment for your truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.