1 Chronicles 16:1-36 – Song of Praise

cartoon image of people with raised hands in praise

Read 1 Chronicles 16:1-36

If you can get past the part about David giving out food to everyone in Israel, the song of praise is just beautiful. I love how the Chronicler captures this for us. I recognize lyrics from praise songs we sing today. Did you notice any of those, too?

David may have given this song of praise for the special occasion of successfully bringing the Ark to Jerusalem. When we can keep praise on our lips as a regular part of our day, our day can only shine brighter. Such a good reason for worshiping our God!

It’s easy to praise when we’re in a celebratory mood. But what about when we’re sick or feeling weary? In times of struggle and hardship, we can turn to the master of praise songs, David. This song is packed with great examples of God’s faithfulness. The book of Psalms, a lot of which were written by David, is another great source to enlighten us with praise.

What are some of your favorite lines in this song? I’m sure some are speaking to you louder than others today, and in a couple of weeks other lines will strike a chord! Let’s take a look at a few of these that can really help liven our spirits and draw us closer to God today.

The first line speaks to God’s excellence. “Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.” When is the last time you shared with someone about how God was working in your life? We talked about “God-sightings” recently, and I those are great examples of God’s faithfulness in our lives. No matter how we are feeling, God loves it when we give him thanks and tell him how majestic he is.

When we’re feeling weak, this truth can sustain us. “Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.” We don’t have to wallow in our failings alone. God wants us to seek after him. We can trust his promise to protect and guide us, but we should prepare ourselves to be amazed by his movements in this world.

“Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.” David knew firsthand about how God rescues and saves his people. Of course, being followers of Jesus, we know how God took this salvation a step farther and came to live among us and take our sins onto himself in death. That fact alone should leave the whole earth singing and praising God.

This is my prayer for the world ringing out in David’s song. “O nations of the world, recognize the Lord, recognize that the Lord is glorious and strong.” With all the unrest and battles being fought worldwide, I can’t help but think if the people recognized God as Lord these clashes would cease. Do you think David knew how powerfully this statement would be for the generations to come? If we could only sing praise like David!

Take time today to praise God with every ounce of your being, just like David. Use his song of praise to inspire your own worship time. Play or sing some Christian music. Enjoy your time with God.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, I love how David’s song of praise is so uplifting and honoring to you. Help me be bolder at telling the world about your greatness. Give me courage when I feel weak. Open up opportunities to share with people who don’t know you personally. Soften the hearts of those far from you so they will be ready to sing your praises. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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