Read Zechariah 13:1-6
Jesus is that fountain, isn’t he? Who else washes our sins away? Jesus told the Samaritan woman he was the source of living water. Jesus’ own words to the crowds in John 7:38 say, “Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’”
How does it make you feel to be cleansed from your sinfulness?
That day will be marvelous. All our idols will be gone. Remember, idols are those things we give more attention to than God. We can start to flush those out of our lives when we ask the question, “what’s important to me now?” If the answer is anything besides “God, himself,” then maybe its an idol. Making God a priority will only lead to more and more blessing.
I was a little surprised by how Zechariah’s prophecy says a parent will stab their own child if they claim to prophesy words from God when they are not God’s words at all. That’s one way to rid the world of false prophets. But I can’t imagine how hard it would be for the parents. However, in ancient cultures, there would be a great emphasis on family tradition and honor. False prophets would probably have been an embarrassment.
Zechariah suggests that in that day even those who have been gifted as prophets from God will hesitate to declare any messages they may have. Their silence avoids the possibility of being questioned simply by virtue of being a prophet.
Sometimes people today are hesitant to share a message from God. I don’t quite understand why, but perhaps they believe we could be heading into the time Zechariah speaks about here and have some fear. It could also be because some people aren’t ready to hear or receive prophetic news. Remember, prophecy is not always pretty.
For my reflection, I’m going to focus on the living water fountain of forgiveness Jesus flows into our lives. As Jesus told the Samaritan woman, “But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
Let’s pray. Lord, you are the living water that sustains me each day. Continue to flow through me so that I can be seen as your precious child. I am so grateful for how you have cleansed me and made me new. It feels so good to be free to love you and magnify your name. You are great and worthy to be praised. Thank you for being my fountain. In Jesus’ name. Amen.